Part 15

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You saw Scorpio running around looking for you "hey Scorp is looking for you" it was Kip "Kip do you know what today is" you asked "no what is today" Kip said "today is the day that the crazy bitch sorry but the crazy bitch comes back from her injury" you heard a voice down the hall Kip looked over and it was Austin gunn
"He isn't wrong amber is coming back today" you said "isn't amber the girl that claimed Darby was cheating" Kip asked "Yeah and I'm afraid that she will ruin my relationship" you said "sorry to ruin your conversation but isn't that her" austin said "oh shit I'll talk to you later" you said shielding your face and walking off

"Ty Ty tyler babe baby" you said freaking out "y/n love calm down" hook said "can we go somewhere private" you said hook took you to his locker room "is this a new locker room" you asked "no this is the team taz locker room" hook said "oh ok do you know when they'll be back" you said "in half an hour why y/n" hook said "so amber is back and I'm so scared that she will fuck up what we have" you said "y/n love you don't have to worry about losing me" hook placed a hand on your face "because I love you" hook finished saying "what" you freaked "I said you don't have to worry" hook said "after that" you said "I love you" hook said you kissed hook "but she is evil she cheated on several men and claimed that they all cheated like Darby and like Chris Bey and Marko Stunt so the thing is I don't want her to know that we are dating and her ruin our relationship" you said "baby don't worry" hook said

You guys were just talking then heard a knock at the door you went to a blind spot and hook opened the door "come in" hook said "is y/n in here" you heard Sky's voice "I'm right here" you said "how are you feeling" Scorpio said "I'm doing better now that I talked to Tyler" you said "that's good I'm sorry that you have to deal with this and especially after what she did to Nikki and Darby" Scorpio said "yeah it's nothing I trust Ty" you said grabbing hooks hand "you want me to grab your stuff" Scorpio said you looked at hook "yeah if you don't mind" hook said Scorpio walked out

A few minutes later Scorpio came back with you book bag "oh shit I'll be right back love" hook said you turned on the tv and it turned to the back stage area with hook walking with Lexy Nair

"Danhausen you don't mess with hooks chips" you said out loud "what happened" taz asked you pointed at the tv "he finally spoke" Nikki said "yep for the whole world to hear" you said

Hook came back shortly "babe everyone is going crazy about you speaking" you said "what it's just a voice" hook said "Ty it's not just a voice it's your voice" you said "I don't see it I just spoke" hook said you showed hook the clip "I don't see anything" hook said "I love how oblivious you are" you said

A half hour later you went to the front where you signed autographs and took photos afterwards you went back stage "let's go love" hook said you grabbed your bag and headed to hook's car
When you guys got in the car hook starting up the car and drove to the hotel you went to your room and hook went to his

You called Jamie "hey y/n what's up" "hey Jamie nothing much how about you "nothing just got to my hotel but I saw that Tyler finally spoke" "yeah he doesn't understand why the media is going crazy" "bro he is so oblivious how can't he tell that it's because of his voice" "exactly i don't know but danhausen messed up" "you can say that again even Rj knows not to mess with Tyler's chips" "oh I totally forgot about RJ" "you forgot that he works with us you walk past him everyday at catering" "it just slipped my mind" "yeah because you have Tyler on your mind twenty four/ seven" "not cool bro" "sorry but ima let you go Britt wants to go out" "have fun"

You walked over to hooks room you already had a key so you unlocked the door and walked in "hey babe" "hey y/n come over here" hook said patting his leg
You walked over with a bag of chips hook got up and ripped the bag out of your hand and whispered in your ear "get your damn hands off my chips" "I would never touch your chips those were for you babe" you said sitting down  "so what are we watching" you asked "anime" hook said wrapping his arm around you "I don't recognize it which one is it" you said "Tokyo ghoul it's a good one" hook said

"I need to go baby" you said "don't just stay" hook said holding your hand "I have a early flight tomorrow" you said "why don't you reschedule we have to tape for dark and elevation tomorrow" hook said pulling you to bed "all right but I don't have clothes" you said hook got up and went through his bag and handed you a t shirt you headed to the restroom

When you got back hook was already ready for bed "you know you can change in here" hook said "I know but those abs was looking at me" you said getting in bed "that's funny and by the way I saw the media I don't get it and people are calling it sus" hook said "baby your special" you said placing a hand on his neck then kissed him
hook placed you on top of him and kissed you which lead to a whole make out session "it's because of your deep voice" you said hook went to kiss your neck "I love you baby" hook said kissing you one more time then you got off him and laid down next to hook while he wrapped his body tightly around you and hook kissed you "good night my love" and with that you guys drifted off to sleep

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