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When we first became friends in 3rd grade

When you introduced me to your friends

When we first sat together and have ever since

When we talked about each other's families 

When I told you I had never eaten ice cream B4 and you were amazed

When I told you I was asthmatic

 When I told you my first birthday was celebrated in the ambulance 

When you first found out I could sing and told the teacher about it

When we used to annoy each other When we had fake fights lol

When we laughed together

When I lost my glasses you would help me find them

 When we comforted each other while we cried 

When we used to call each other names 

When you started calling Me ABI

When we first came to know about BTS 

When we started getting addicted to them

When we used to fight but ended up saying sorry at the end of the day Loll 

When I got hurt ma'am said you to take me to the clinic 

When I made you a birthday card on you birthday 

When we had the worst headache's ever When I got bad marks you comforted me

 When you asked me how i got that mark on my head 

When we told each other stories about how we got hurt 

When I told you about how I encountered a snake 

When I found out you liked reading 

When we took class photos

When we had our first children's day together 

When we liked the same genre (Fantasia)

When we liked the same book series Percy Jackson

 When you said i looked pretty on my birthday When you said you would bring me a gift but forgot each day loll

When you started writing fan fiction on Percy Jackson and Annabeth

When we started going CRAZYY on tae-kook

When I told you I'll be going to India for three months

When I told you I could eat cold 

 When I told you how my grandpa passed away and you said you were sorry 

When we used to have long talks on the dramas we watched

When you changed a-lot during the lockdown

When we told the teacher we had been friends since 7 years

When we stopped talking to each other 

When I showed you my journal 

When you started hanging around with other people more than me

When we first got friendship bracelets together

When we visited the Expo together and wrote we Stan BTS on a StiCKy note

When you were like discussing how you would go to expo with them two When I said I would not be able to come 

When Yo said what had happened

When you started getting close to them

When I told you I felt sad 

When you made me  cry 

When you stopped talking to me less and less

When we got into a big fight

When I figured out my only friend left me

When you found out I had something called as intentional tremor 

When You started ignoring me and start crying in the bus and at home

When i cried with my Door locked 

When I tried to talk to you but you started hanging around with them

When I asked if you had a separate chat without me and you said Yes 😭

When our FRIENDS told you how I felt all these days

When you said SORRY about how you made me feel

When you found out I c** myself you freaked

When i said it was fine but it was just getting worse loll

When we sat together in 10th but we were separated because of BSK 

When you almost started crying 

when I told ma'am about my problems 

When we did the board work together

When we cut the map of Norway 🇳🇴 together 

When we made snowflakes together in the IT room

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