as the earth burns to the ground (I will not kiss you)

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"You look incredibly cute, sitting on the bank like that."

The broomistega quickly turned from their position. They were resting next to the lake, bathing in the gentle sunlight that painted the world bright around them. Leaves hung from the trees around them, now surrounding the furry mammal that had emerged from them. They were looking directly at the amphibian.

"I'm sorry?" the amphibian questioned. The mammal, a thrinaxodon, giggled, then spoke again.

"I said, you look incredibly cute."

The amphibian's face burned like the sun had suddenly jumped closer, and their stomach twisted and turned at their words. Cute? they thought. How dare they!

"Stop that," the amphibian snapped. "I'm not cute."

"I'm just telling the truth," the mammal shrugged. "You are cute, like it or not."

Irritation burned in the amphibian's gut. "Get lost," they hissed, "go bother someone else. I bet you have better things to do than to hang around me, pinching my nerves."

With that, the amphibian stood on their stubby legs and dragged their body away. What a pity, it was such a good spot, too, they thought, frustrated that it was intruded on by such an insufferable mammal.

Only to find that they were being followed. Turning, they found that the mammal was trailing along behind them, shining the most annoying smile the amphibian had ever seen. They whipped their body around and thumped their tail dramatically on the soil.

"I said get lost!" they hissed. "Are you set on annoying me to death?"

The mammal simply giggled, stepping closer.

"Look at that, you're even cute when you're angry!"

This day couldn't get any worse.


The large beetle jumped to the ground, sensing it was safe. No predators were in sight; it was the perfect time for a feast! Quickly, it began grazing on the ground, munching on the grass near the lake.


Suddenly, its body was broken in the middle as a pair of jaws expertly snatched it from the ground. Satisfied with the kill, the broomistega quickly gulped it down.


"What a great hunt!"

The amphibian flinched, not realizing someone else was nearby. Turning, they found a familiar, furry face watching them.

It was the thrinaxodon from the other day, flashing a familiar, annoying smile.

"Not you again," the amphibian muttered. "Why don't you leave me alone? Where did you even come from?"

The mammal simply laughed and padded closer, eyeing the ground that the beetle was initially standing.

"How did you do that? You make it look so easy!" The mammal sat down next to them, their fur brushing against their skin. "I couldn't do it if I tried! All the thrinaxodons I've ever met are so good at hunting, but I've never gotten the hang of it. I just scavenge for food. Pretty silly, huh?"

Would you just shut up? The broomistega struggled not to snap again at the mammal, but couldn't help but feel a stab of pity. It was surely hard, being unable to do something most of your species could do with ease.

Sounds all too familiar.

Suddenly, the amphibian caught sight of something round and black. Turning, they saw another beetle, mindlessly scouring the earth for food.

as the world burns to the ground (I will not kiss you)Where stories live. Discover now