Part 1

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"Come on Fernmist!" Hayflower said, as she climbed a tree after a squirrel. "I'm not a climber, Hayflower." Fernmist said, as he backed up from the tree nervously. He never really liked climbing, even though climbing did help get squirrels. Birch walked over to him, "Hey Fernmist, what are you two doing?" He asked, as he looked up at Hayflower. "My sister is trying to be a squirrel today." Fernmist laughed, as he sat next to the kit. "I wonder if I could climb a tree, I remember once me and my sibling had to climb a tree to get away from some nasty dogs. My mother saved us though by risking her life, and Clear sky was there too!" Birch explained, as he walked over to the tree. Petal soon came over, holding a mouse in her jaws. Fernmist glanced over at her, his stomach grumbling. When was the last time I ate? He softly padded over to her, "Hey Petal, have you seen Quick water?" He asked, hoping to see the elegant black she-cat. "I saw her talking to Thunder in the moor. I think they were hunting together." Petal murmured around the mouse she held. "Thank you Petal." Fernmist said as he ran to the moor. His large tan paws crunched against the grass, as the wind blew through his fur. As he made it to the moor, he noticed Thunder and Quick water sharing a rabbit. Fernmist was filled with jealousy as he watched them, Does she like Thunder? He padded over to them, licking his fur nervously. "Hey Quick water, I was wondering if you wanted to hunt together, I think I smelt mouse in the forest." Fernmist said, with a small smile. "Could Thunder come too?" Quick Water asked, as she licked her fur. "Why? I thought we could maybe hunt alone." Fernmist said, as he looked down at his paws.

"I guess we could hunt alone, come on Fernmist." Quick Water said as the two began to walk away from Thunder. "You make me feel happy, you know." Fernmist said, as he licked his fur nervously. "I'm glad I do, now where's those mice you said you smelt." Quick Water said, sniffing the air. "Uhm..." Fernmist began, he hadn't really thought this far. He desperately craved time with Quick Water, she was the only cat he liked. Soon enough, the sound of a mouse was heard nearby. "I hear one." He said, as he hunched down. Quick Water looked over and noticed the mouse too, it was by a tree twitching its little body. With a swiftful leap, Fernmist pounced on the mouse and bit into its body killing it. "Nice catch!" Quick Water said, praising him. "Thank you, now it's your turn to hunt something." Fernmist mumbled around the mouse in his jaws. "I haven't scented anything besides that mouse." She said, as she scented the air again. "Wait, I smell a Thrush." She said, as she crept to the edge of a nearby tree. Fernmist glanced up at the tree, noticing the Thrush that Quick Water has scented. Quick Water silently crept up the tree, and with a swipe she knocked the bird down. She hopped down, landing on the Thrush as she bit into the birds neck. "That was an interesting catch." Fernmist said as he set the mouse down. "Thanks, I don't really find pleasure in climbing trees unless I'm trying to escape dogs." Quick Water said as she bit into the Thrush. "Shouldn't we bring the prey back to camp?" Fernmist asked, hoping not to ruin the moment. "Sure, I suppose. Come on, let's go." She said, picking up the Thrush as she began to walk towards camp. Fernmist followed behind, carrying the mouse in his jaws.

Clear Sky ran up, stopping Quick Water and Fernmist in their tracks. He was panting, fear in his eyes. Sparrow Fur stood beside him, trembling in fear. "We must go, now. One eye has taken over my camp!" Clear Sky said, as glanced behind. "One eye? But I thought you kicked him out." Quick Water said, confused. "He has brought a bunch of rogue cats, just as vicious as himself. We must go back to Tall Shadow, One eye will kill us all." Clear sky, as he picked up Sparrow Fur by the scruff. "If you say so." Fernmist said, as the four turned to leave.

As the four made it to camp, they noticed Lightning Tail and Acorn Fur play fighting around in the grass. Sparrow Fur wriggled around in Clear Sky's grasp, "Let me go, I want to see Gray Wing and my siblings." She said, as he set her down. Sparrow Fur quickly ran over to where Gray Wing was resting. Fernmist dropped his mouse on the freshkill pile as he walked over back to Quiet Water after she dropped her Thrush. "My sister is still in clear sky's old camp, we need to get her and my parents." Fernmist said, looking into Quiet Water's eyes. "We can't, One eye is dangerous. He could kill us." Quiet water said, her ears drooping. "Then I will go achieve them myself." Fernmist said, puffing his chest fur out. He turned and walked back towards the forest, hoping that Quick Water would follow. He swiftly ran past the trees, thoughts of his family ran through his thoughts. Stopping, he hid by a bush near One eye's camp. "That crow is much too thin for my liking." One eye said, glaring at Petal with hatred. "The sickness is spreading, and prey is hard to find. I'm sorry, shall I go fetch another crow?" Petal said, her tail drooping. "I think someone should claw your ear off for not getting the best for me." One eye hissed. He glared over at Swanfrost who was sitting nearby next to Smoothfern, "I want you to claw her face and leave a nick in her ear for not getting me the best of prey." One eye ordered him. "But, she hasn't done anything wrong. Prey is scarce now due to the sickness, you can't always expect the best prey." Swanfrost said, looking over at Petal with sadness.

"Hayflower, I want you to hurt Swanfrost." One eye ordered Hayflower who was sitting nearby, fear in her eyes. "And if you talk back, I will kill him. I want you to injure both him and Petal. I am your leader now, and like I said you wont get hurt as long as you behave." One eye added. Hayflower held a sad face as she walked over to her father, "I'm sorry.." She whispered as she unsheathed her claws and swiped at his face. "More, I want him to bleed!" One eye hissed at Hayflower, who remained silent. With one powerful swipe, Hayflower left three marks on the side of Swanfrost's face that bled. "Now go hurt Petal and you may stop." One eye said, as he smiled showing his teeth. Hayflower ran at Petal and clawed at her shoulder, causing her to bleed. Fernmist hissed silently, "I need to get them out of here." He snuck over behind a tree near his Father, "Hey, Swanfrost, come here." He whispered, hoping no one would notice him. Swanfrost glanced over at Fernmist, "What about your sister? Only me and your mother can come, she is visible." Swanfrost said, a sad look in his eyes. "Come on." Fernmist whispered back, as he snuck off. Swanfrost and SmoothFern quickly followed. "I wont ever let my family get hurt by One eye, I will get Hayflower back. I promise." Fernmist said, as he led them back to camp. His heart raced as he worried about his sister, don't worry Hayflower, I'll save you...

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 25, 2022 ⏰

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