Dablyn Song Fic 1-Shot [REQUESTED]

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(I'm trying to get caught up on my requests and do schoolwork at the same time, so I put this together based on possibly my favorite song EVER (?!). DNA by Little Mix is so underrated and an absolutely incredible love song in my books. I also didn't realize how well it suits Jaclyn's feelings towards Dabi but it suits them so well too!!

Since this is a song fic, I'd highly recommend you at the play the song above "*'" mark to greatly improve your reading experience. I love everything about DNA and I hope you guys appreciate the mastery of this song too.

PLEASE NOTE- This is a song fic with steamier themes than usual, so be warned.

If that doesn't bother you, enjoy!

It's in His DNA


~For ThePsychoticAs1an ~

*'"Touya?" Jaclyn Perry mumbled. She and her boyfriend, Touya Todoroki, were snuggling up to each other on the couch. As the TV in their living room provided ambience, some drama show played and the couple was dangerously close to falling asleep. His arm was around her waist, her head rested on the side of his shoulder, his head rested on her head and his hand laid on her thigh. "Mmm?" Touya murmured back incoherently, pecking her forehead. The two both had been so busy with vigilante and villain business, they didn't get to come home 'til late. It grew harder for Dabi and Jaclyn to spend time together often these past few days.

"I missed you a lot." The American antihero confessed, half-asleep. "I missed you too. I think we both missed sleep more though." Her villain boyfriend replied sincerely, his features softening at how cute he thought she looked. "Enough of that. Time for bed. Wp we go!" Dabi chuckled hazily. Touya couldn't stop smiling as he picked her up and walked the two of them to their bedroom. "Eek! Babyyy!! Put me down, you weirdo! You're holding me like a sack of potatoes!" Jaclyn whined, trying to squirm out of his arms. "I think you're actually enjoying this." He retorted. "Even when you're tired, you still like teasing me." She giggled lazily.

"You had your meds when you got home?" Dabi asked. "Yeah, I did." Jaclyn assured him. "Good, you use the bathroom first. I'll wait. I love you, Jaclyn." Touya answered and pecked the side of Jaclyn's neck. He chuckled softly at making her blush. "I love you too, Touya." She murmured back, pressing her lips to his cheek.

Does he tell you he loves you when you least expect it?

Does he flutter your heart when he kisses your neck?

"It's been a while since both of us have been here at the same time, babe." Jaclyn started to say. "I know." Touya answered. "I was wondering if you wanted to make out? For just a little bit, not too long if that bothers you. You can always just say no, I'll be okay with that too-" She suggested in rambling. Her cheeks burned as he smacked her ass and interrupted her. "You sound like that Midoriya kid when you overthink things. You don't need to be like that around me." Dabi mused.

"I don't want to overstep." The vigilante explained simply. "Still, I'm always open to pleasing those lips of yours~" He smirked. "Which kind?~" She teased back. "You're supposed to be the innocent one. What the fuck..." The villain frowned as the bedroom came into view and they settled themselves on the bed.

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