Shinso, Khoi

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   Khoi's life began on August 21st, his mother gave birth to him in Tokyo's city hospital. He was a healthy baby boy, very light for his age. Both his parents were overjoyed to finally have a child of their own after trying so hard to get pregnant. They had been trying for 10-ish years and after so many negative test results, they finally had a wonderful baby boy.

   His mother, Mei Lui, and his father, Akihiro Shinso, married at 20 and 23 in Hawaii. Mei is fully Chinese from Hong Kong, and his father is 75-25 Japanese and Nordic. They moved together to a small-town called Furubira on the Northern coast.

   They named him Khoi, meaning smart and precious and he was their precious little one. As happy parents they always made sure Khoi was dressed in cute baby clothes, was well behaved, and was raised with good morals.

   As he grew up a bit more and started school, tensions in the house started. His mother's family history of alcoholism was starting to come into her life when she was laid off her job. She did not know how to cope with the hurt she felt so she turned to alcohol.

   Khoi was popular with his teachers, always kind, always respectful, and exceptional grades. They always praised him for his work ethic and how quick he was to turn in work.

   In his middle school days, his parents finally divorced, and his father won custody over him. He changed his last name to his fathers. He never really was close with his father, but they got closer after the divorce through Khoi's love of baking and cooking. His father always showed up to his school's orchestra concerts and helped him practice as well. He lost connection with his mother since she made no effort to stay in contact with Khoi so, to him, it was just him and his father.

   Highschool changed a lot for Khoi. He realized after a few dances that he really had no interest in girls, the boys on the other hand, got his attention. In particular, the school's star athlete, Takashi Yuhei (who also went by Edison since he had an American mother).

   They started hanging out when they were put in the same math class when Edison began to struggle with math. They were friends for a year or so until they started dating when Khoi was 17 and Edison had graduated at 19. Edison was equally passionate about sports and tech but to go to post-secondary for tech/IT, his math skills would need to improve and there was Khoi to help.

   They had tutoring sessions between Khoi's busy schedule. But some of the tutoring sessions did not include actual math.

   During all this, Edison's Tiktok and YouTube accounts gained impressive amounts of attention and since Khoi was on there as well, so did his accounts. The internet attention felt nice to Khoi, he felt like he was accepted after being told by the town's older population that who he felt attraction to was wrong.

   But he also found that he felt good getting compliments on how his body looked, during his and Edison's 'tutoring sessions' and from comments on the internet. It gave him the idea of doing adult production once he got out of high school. After going over what he needed to stay safe with his father and Edison, he finally opened a Greenroom profile. An 18+ website where he could easily control what went up on his profile, prices, etc. It also came with a livestreaming feature. He enjoyed the praise he was getting from strangers, but not the negativity he was getting from the town's residents.

   Now, back to Edison. He was a partier, a heavy partier. He drank quite a bit and smoked weed every so often. He was the youngest of 5 sons from an American mother and a Japanese father. They grew up with a stable and comfortable income, always having food on the table, fully decorated rooms, nice appliances, the full package. He was the middle and high school's star athlete, on every sports team (and no they did not have a football team), always first place at track and field, and not a total brain rot. Girls always drooled over him, every straight girl dreamt of dating him and having his babies.

   But Edison had his eyes on a boy in his math class, a boy 2 whole grades younger than him and in an advanced math class. If Edison wanted to get into IT, he'd need a good understanding of math and that boy could help him. They sat together for half a year before they considered each other friends and not a tutor and tutee.

   It was around the end of the year when they officially started going out and peers knew them as the iconic couple. Even getting into the yearbook as the high school sweethearts.

   Khoi always went to Edison's sports games and Edison went to Khoi's orchestra concerts. Edison was always over at the Shinso residence either for tutoring, 'studying', or date nights with Khoi. Khoi's father quite liked Edison, he was respectful, goof to Khoi, and friendly.

   Now Khoi didn't really like Edison's partying, but he always went along to make sure he got home safe. One party after Khoi graduated would change a lot. At the time he had quite a following and some people in town knew about it.

   Like any other party night, Khoi tagged along as usual but this time it wasn't at someone house, instead at an abandoned campground in the middle the woods. Somehow strong alcohol got into the soda Khoi was drinking and he got lost in the sea of drunk, high, horny boys. With their limited brain power, they stripped him and pretty much consumed him. The fear sobered him immediately and all he could do was scream for help. Edison watched, dead behind the eyes, at that moment he did have to pretend to be he best of the best. He didn't have to pretend to be a star role model. Someone filmed the whole incident and spread it around the town with the rumor it was meant to look like a rape because that's what Khoi was into.

   Khoi, afterward, felt the whole town turn on him. People started to harass him and in turn, his father. Out of guilt, he moved to Hong Kong with his mother, stepfather, and stepbrother and cut off all communications with his father.

   Khoi now hates being touched, he's afraid of people finding out who he was. He got back into music with the Hong Kong symphony orchestra as one of their youngest members and helps his family pay the bills through his day job and the income from his Greenroom account. Him and Jiang, his stepbrother, got close quickly, mostly because they shared a room AND a bed. Jiang was the unbiased support he needed when his life had hit rock bottom. Eventually, with Khoi's added income, they could move to a different apartment where they all had their own rooms. But the ceiling did leak every so often.

   Khoi's mental problems are complicated. He really hates skin to skin contact or having people in very close proximity to him. He very much prefers to wear clothes that cover a lot. If his anxiety gets intense, he gets nauseous and throws up. He doesn't like to be in a room alone with someone but not too many people as well. He values himself by his work and his income, if he's not bringing in enough money to support his family, he feels as if he failed. He's naturally skinny but there's also the issue him putting work before sleep, food, etc. He's not officially diagnosed with anything but here's the list of things he should be diagnosed with.

A type of bulimia.


Panic Disorder


Agoraphobia (An anxiety disorder characterized by a specific fear of particular places and situations that the person feels anxious or panics, such as open spaces, crowded places and places from which escape seems difficult)

Haphephobia (irrational fear of being touched)

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