Chapter 1

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Ben hummed as he carefully used his crayons in his drawing. It was early in the morning and so far he was the only one awake.

"Ben?" He heard Brooklyn call curiously. "What are you doing awake?" "Drawing." The boy responded, as he kept on drawing.

"Oh... well then... I'm going to be filming. Bye." Brooklyn said awkwardly, as she grabbed her phone out. Then left the room.

"Psst!" Ben heard, as he turned his head to see his secret boyfriend, Kenji. Waving from the couch.

Ben smiled and waved back.

"Guess I'm not the only person awake except Brooklyn." Ben said under his breath.

It was a simple story on how they both started to date. Camp started, Ben was found touched starved so he went to Kenji to get comforted. One thing led to another and then they fell for each other and started dating.

Ben then bolted out of his seat and went over to his lover and squeaked gently when he was set in the ravenette's lap. "Were you flirting without me?" Kenji asked, as he planted kisses along Ben's round face.

The smaller boy giggled and hummed. "Yep! Don't tell my boyfriend!" He responded.

Kenji gave a breathless laugh. "I won't." He said, pulling Ben closer and humming.

"Morning kisses?" Ben asked impatiently. "Whoa. Chill babe. You'll get them soon." Kenji responded, as he cupped Ben's face.

"Any eyes?" The ravenette asked, only receiving a shake of the head from his boyfriend. He smiled and leaned up, connecting his lips to Ben's and pulling him close as he could.


Brooklyn hummed to herself as she checked her comment section. She had introduced the campers to her subscribers, so she was confused when she saw a flood of comments just screeching Benji

"Benji? Isn't that a mix of Ben and Kenji..?" She asked herself, as she furrowed a her brows. She kept checking the comments saying how Ben and Kenji were holding hands, cuddling and about to kiss many times.

"That doesn't make sense though.. Ben and Kenji were polar opposites, they both kept away from each other when they could." She said under her breath.

She then watched over the video, and sure enough there were scenes of them about to kiss, holding hands and even cuddling.

She stared into space and then shouted

Thanks for reading my story ❤️
I hope you have a great day/evening!

Bye <3

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 26, 2022 ⏰

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