Part 1

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The light is gentle, the air is clear. The flowers are beautiful and vibrant, like a painting in a museum. And there's no one to blame but himself for being here. He doesn't know where he is, but it certainly isn't any place that he's ever been before. All he knows is that his feet carried him all this way and now the only thing he can see is a girl sitting by herself near a tree by the forest. She looks lonely as she stares out at the landscape, as she starts to wonder thing beyond her knowledge , as the wind picks up and blows past her hair. He watches as she gets up from her seat, walking towards him with slow, careful steps. He wonders if she can feel his eyes on her, he watching she past by him, he started following her lead; when she stops right in front of a grave, the man got curious and looked at the grave, what he sees makes his blood run cold in his veins.She bends down next to the grave and sits down, pulling something out of her bag she takes out a small book, she opens it and start reading, the words are too hard for the man to understand, all he can make out is that she's saying something like a peom of some sort . A few moments later, the girl left as he was about to follow her a voice called out to him,he turned to see who it was there was a girl she had emotionless eyes and black hair . She held out a hand for him to take, he hesitated to take it but took hold of it anyways, she led him to another gravestone. There stood a young boy he couldn't help but feel sympathy for him, even though he didn't want to think about this child's death his mind wouldn't allow it the girl suddenly said "that boy near the gravestone has been there for a month, mister can you help him with his last wish?" the man nodded his head and looked at the boy, the poor kid just looked sad and lost as the tears began to well in his eyes. The girl left them alone, leaving the two alone.The man asked the boy what his wished for the boy answered "i want mr. Cuddles back" the man was confused he looked at the child and asked "who is this mr. Cuddles" the child looked at him and said "my kitten.." the name struck a chord inside of him and he immediately remembered the child's last words to his cat before everything went dark and he woke up back to were he was, so he said "alright i know were mr. Cuddles is kiddo" the boy beamed with happiness as he reached over and hugged the man's leg then boy asked were his kitten was and the man replied "his in a place were theres no sadness, no grief, no anger and no pain" the boy looked amazed and said "that sounds like paradies" the man nodded his head and told the boy that if he closes his eyes he'll be able to see his kitten, and the boy did as the man said as the boy started fading he said "thank you mister, ill finally be with my kitten..." when the boy fully disappearedthe man got up and asked what just happened the girl explained how if a ghost remains on earth thats is because they have a final wish to fulfill, the man introduce himself his name is kyle the girl also introduce herself her name is Amy, "so what know?" kyle asked . "well, my parents own the bakery down the street, my older brother runs the company, were heading there" Amy said the kyle nodded and left with her

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