My Sunshine - Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

Getting up feels like a nightmare, but thinking about him makes it better. The kool-aid man, the only pretentious man I've ever loved. He's so perfect. His entrancing shade of red, that practically glows in the sun. His deep voice that pierces my soul as it weakens me to my knees. His smile that brightens the mood even in the worst times.

As I drag myself out of bed, a million thoughts flooded my mind and they were all about him. My Feet meet the cold floor as I walked into the kitchen.

I could feel eyes burning into my figure and I paused for a short moment. I sneakingly peered over to the accent wall, silently listening to him sing. His voice was so smooth- especially when he sang.

He hit a high note while cooking breakfast.

(Image shown above)

My eyes trailed down his figure, inspecting his outfit. He had on yellow flannel and blue shorts. His abs were aligned in a perfect six count- they were perfectly toned and fully on display.

"Good Morning." He smiled in his exhilaratingly powerful voice, acknowledging my presence. I opened my mouth the return the gesture when he suddenly picked me up and he spun me in the air a couple of times making my giggle.

"Morning." I respond in my slightly higher tone.

The sound of the sizzling eggs and laughter filled the room.

He placed me down and planted kisses all over my face. He pulled away for a second and I starred at his auburn colored eyes. He took his index finger and pulled your face up all while maintaining eye contact with me. He examined my features with soft eyes full of adoration.

I could feel my cheeks burning and I unknowingly held in my breath from the proximity.

His mouth parted to, "Your very beautiful, when you wake up." he mused, his minty breath grazing my cheek.

I pulled away, and looked down avoiding all eye contact. Why would he say that- was he lying just to make me feel better? "N-" I swallowed, "No, I don't." I said as I felt my eyes burn from holding back incoming tears.

It was a useless battle seeing as I could feel the salty substance sliding down my cheeks.

He leaned down to my height and gently wiped away my tears, "There's no need to cry love, your beautiful in every way." He whispered softly.

He suddenly froze and I remembered the eggs that were on the stove. He quickly turned the stove off and quickly grabbed the spatula and placed the eggs on a nearby plate.

He dotted the eggs with smiley face of peppers, he turned around and held the plate out for me to eat.

I exhaled lightly, "My Sunshine."

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