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*Written in Amelia's pov*

      The first day of the new year, or should I say semester. I am a freshman at one of the top schools in the country. How did I get into this university? I'm not sure. I wake up everyday and ask myself the same question.

     I am a latina gym rat, animal lover, five feet and one inch tall, car girl, I have long black hair, I love makeup, I wear glasses and I live on my own. I'm also kind of a "nerd".

     I am an only child, with parents who passed away when I was eleven, I stayed with my grandma Anne who passed four months ago. I moved near my university in a studio apartment about a month and a half ago.

     I know what you are thinking parents who passed ten years ago, a grandma who passed four months ago, she is so calm and put together. I'm actually not.

     I took three years off before starting at my university. The first year was to get to know myself, a self love journey if you will. Second year was to work more and earn enough money to move into my own apartment. And then when my grandma got sick, I took the third year off and began taking care of her full time.

     My parents passing was ten years ago. They died in a car accident. A drunk driver hit them head on. I would go more into detail but it is pretty tragic.

      So here I am in a whole new state, living my best life (trying to at least). Beginning my first semester at my university. Oh my name is Amelia, by the way. Amelia Mercado.

      I wake up on the glorious first day and get ready. I brush my teeth, wash my face and begin to brush my tangled hair straighten it and put it in a slicked back ponytail. I do some light makeup, light eyelashes and some lip gloss, I throw on some mom jeans, a cropped black tshirt, slip on Vans. Grab my backpack, my gym bag, laptop, keys, and coffee. I head to my car. My custom 2018 Chevy Camaro Zl1.

     I put all my stuff in the car and head on to find parking near my classes for the day.

     I have a total of four classes. Mondays and Wednesdays I have intro to literature, and communication 101 lecture. Tuesdays and Thursdays I have communications 101 lab and yoga 101.

     All of my classes are in the same general area. So I find a great parking spot next to a fellow muscle car. By the looks of it, it's a 2013 Dodge Charger SRT8. I take a look at it. Lock my car and walk to my first class.

     It's a two hour class and we discussed the first book we are going to read and the assignments that are due in 4 weeks. I love to read.

     I walk to my second class which is comm 101 lecture it is an hour and fifteen minute class. I find my seet next to the windows and I take out my laptop and note book. Log on to the class website and look over the things we are going to be discussing. That is until I was startled by the jocks walking in the room "greeting" each other, extremely loud. There are 5 of them, freshman but on our varsity football team.

     I go back to reading when I am interrupted by the star player..... Donovan Nunez. I have no words. He is tall, dark and very very handsome.

"I guess we are going to be partners in lecture and lab for this class?" Donovan asks

"Yeah I guess we are" I say with a smile

"You can call me Don." He says sticking his hand out.

"Amelia" I say shaking his hand

    Our professor walks in, interrupting Don and I stairing at each other. We go over what to expect in class and what to expect in lab. He confirms that Don and I will be partners the entire semester.

     Throughout class I catch Don looking at me and looking away. I smile to myself and focus on the professors lecture. The professor let's us know we won't be meeting tomorrow for lab and that we begin our chapter on Wednesday following with a lab on Thursday. Our professor dismisses us.

"It was nice to meet you Don. See you wednesday." I say with a smile.

"See you Wednesday and Thursday Amelia." He says

     He smiles at me longer than someone whome you just met would. And then we get interrupted by his football buddies. As I head out in front of him, I take one more glance at him and he's still stairing at me.

     I head to my car, get in, start the car and as I am trying to play my music I look up and see Don and his friends walking to his car......the 2013 Dodge Charger SRT8.

    As I back out I roll my window down and compliment him on the car. He was taken a back to see me in my camaro.

"Okay Amelia I see you." Don says

    I rev my engine and take off back to my apartment.    

     The drive back to my apartment was peaceful, with my windows rolled down I can hear the roaring of my car and I smile as I remember where and why i wanted this specific car so bad. I begin to smile at the thought of Don, who surprised me with his car and his kindness.

     I get home to my silence and begin the reading I need to do, I have light music playing in the background. I feel calm in this moment, so calm in fact, I begin to drift off....

*That is the end of the first chapter. Let me know how you all like this book so far. I will be updating pretty consistently as I am not in school.*


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