Quick Goodbyes

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"Hello Lumine..."

Lumine wakes to see ashy blonde hair, illuminated by the fire, his back is facing her but she can already tell who this is. He looks exactly like albedo, except for the lack of a mark on his neck. She takes in her surroundings, she appears to be in some sort of cabin supposedly cozy but it's not comforting. A menacing aura surrounds this place, seclusion and secrecy is what this place is meant for. She stares at the fire as he tends to it, then turns around and smiles at Lumine. Nothing about this situation comforts her. She notices the mark on his neck but knows this is not the Albedo she knows, she can't explain how, she just has a feeling.

"I see you've awakened..." He grabs a cup of tea, stirring whopper flower nectar into the drink, 

"Here, drink this, it'll help the after effects." Lumine hesitantly grabs hold of the tea but never really drinks it.

"I do apologise for the way I've taken you here... but I had to make some sort of excuse as to why you'll never return!" He stares at the drink in Lumine's hands as he sits down in a chair on the opposite side of the room "Drink it..."

Lumine doesn't oblige, instead she stands and takes a defensive position after setting down the cup.

"I see you could already tell it wasn't Albedo..." He stands back up, taking his sword, identical to his 'brother' "Now, I'm not going to kill you straight away. Albedo's most likely going to be looking for you... He won't tell others where and why he's going, he's not that type of person y'know."

Lumine summons her sword ready for combat, she's thinking. He doesn't know her well and her unpredictability is a great advantage, as well as her ability to control whatever element she wants at will, she figures she'd be able to overwhelm him in a fight.

"I wouldn't try to escape, this is no where you've been before, the area surrounding is controlled by the abyss order." He takes his sword and holds it to her neck, "There's nowhere to escape to!"


"AHHHH'' A small floating fairy flies past various different knights before finally reaching that of Albedo's quarters in the headquarters of the knight's of Favonius, "ALBEDO!!" The small fairy furious knocked on his door, to which Albedo thankfully responded. Albedo opens the door to the small fairy that rushes into the room and starts to frantically tell Albedo what was happening.

"So! SO!LuminegotkidnappedsomehowandPaimontoldAmberandEula,butthentheysaid YOU toldthemthatshewasgoingtoinazumaand and!"

"Wait- hold on, Paimon, what's going on?" Albedo asked, confused and a little out of it. He had been working on some experiments and he hadn't yet gotten out of that mindset. 

"LUMINE GOT KIDNAPPED! AND PAIMON THINKS IT WAS BY YOUR WEIRD CLONE BROTHER!" Paimon shouts anxiously, "Paimon thinks that he told Amber and Eula that Lumine had left for Inazuma... but, but Lumine would never leave without me... would she?" Paimon finally settles down, but now feeling a little sad. Maybe Lumine did leave without her...

"It's okay Paimon, from my knowledge of Lumine she'd never leave you behind. Something's happened to her..." Albedo knew it had something to do with his 'brother' and he knew he had wanted to get rid of her. Albedo knew he needed to find her as soon as possible, but where? Albedo thought a bit, it can't be somewhere reachable by the general public, it can't be somewhere Lumine's familiar with but somewhere where his 'brother' feels he knows... That's when he clicked.

"Tell the knights I'll be unavailable for a while, I'm leaving..." Albedo walked over to a small leather book bag and started packing the essentials, including some of his alchemical notes.

"Wha- What? If you're going to find Lumine then Paimon's coming too!"

"No, it's too dangerous for you Paimon... you must stay here." Albedo said before finishing and slinging his bag over his shoulder, "I shall be leaving now." Albedo walked past Paimon as she speedily flew to tell Jean.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 28, 2022 ⏰

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