9 || Head of the Agency!

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After, stepping into the main doors into a fishbowl, with two doors on opposite sides. Rosalie switched hands with her suitcase. after inserting her old ID keycard in a pocket, of her jacket with a flap. She straightened up and looked around, she spotted the corner; where it leads to the elevators and staircase upstairs. Rosalie found it pretty pathetic how it all looks the same, as it always had. 

She breathed deeply, straightened up and plastered a grin on her face. Nodding. Right? let's get this- Upon removing her ID card with her right hand. She paused. Glancing over, when the same man showed up in her perspective vision  who stopped her from doing her business quick and simple. she didn't get his name, or that she didn't listen to him if he had introduced her.

She thought that was his name. Rosalie really wasn't listening since it won't matter, since she's planning on officially quitting. That man, won't see her here ever again, once she gave her equipment and killed her ID card. Rosalie isn't feeling her spy adventure anymore. Rosalie sighed, closing her eyes shortly. 

Suddenly she heard a voice from behind her. "Oi, you haven't even answered any of my other questions?" 

Rosalie's eyes shot open and spun around with her leg out, attempting to kick the person, although he dodged it easily. "Woah.. watch it! it's just me Albafica the guy you just met..." he screamed in defiance.

Rosalie blinked twice, looking straight at that guy who wouldn't let her leave so she could do her thing and leave. She stayed there in silence, lowering her leg and relaxing her stance. Rosalie blinked twice once again. Making sure she was seeing an actual person correctly or it was just another draft of her imagination.

The light periwinkle blue haired male, glared in her direction. His calm clear and Teal eyes made Rosalie glare back, menacingly, angrily. 

The two stared at each other for a hot second. Until Albafica let out a sigh, breaking the silence between the two of them. "I think we got off on the wrong footing? let me intro-" before he got cut off by Rosalie with a wave of her hand.

"you got some nerve following me in, honestly, I did tell you that I am only here to drop off my god damn things and return everything. so I can forget about being a secret agent!" screamed Rosalie at the male.

Some Agents were hanging out in the foyer of the Agency and they managed to see Rosalie screaming at the instructor, in which they couldn't hear the conversation. A few went toward the set of main doors, into the outer section of the building. At least one or two raced to fetch the head of Agency. Unaware to Rosalie's attention. Albafica glanced over Rosalie, quickly at the forming crowd of agents some new some old. 

"you won't hear from me ever again! This will only be one time left! so why'd I bother explaining my ID and everything! I'll just leave afterwards! I'm fed up being this! I hate having these nightmares! Bud OUT and leave me be!"

Rosalie felt tears sting her eyes. glaring wide eyed. Anger etched at the corners of the far ends of her eyes.

"Agent Ros-" stopped Albafica, being slapped him across the cheek, by Rosalie. 

"don't CALL ME THAT! i DO NOT WANT to be called that!" she screamed harshly 

Albafica stayed silent, for the longest time, holding the  cheek, that she slapped him on,  shocked. I- I was trying to tell you to turn around, you are a tracking attention... He felt a wave of nerves running down his back and his arms shook in fear. Scared. His breath caught in his throat. staring at her. 

Rosalie suddenly snapped out of it, beginning to realize after she closed her right hand in which reopened and closed several times. Feeling the stinging sensation.  She went quiet, for several hours. Reflecting on what she did. She only remembered him telling her that he was a new recruit working as a professor. 

Her short Elf ears went pink with embarrassment and shock. "I'm Sorr-" she started to say, before she heard the door bang open.

Rosalie's heart rushed ten times a minute, almost jumping back accidentally ramming into the periwinkle haired male. In which surprised him and he didn't have the time to dodge or catch his footing so he went down. He hit his back against the window behind him. Rosalie fell forward landing right on his chest. 

The person who opened the door and which case scared Rosalie, stood there concerned "oh my are you alright Albafica? a couple of the agents called for me to come saying that there is someone harassing you?"

The male looked bewildered, and dazed. but he managed to speak. "I'm alright. Miss Clarity Haruka. Just a little dazed" 

"oh- and who are you? and why are you here?" she spoke toward the girl atop of the new scientist. "Get up and face me!"

Rosalie's eyes went wide, heat went to her head and she heavily blushed being on top of the male, but also she was shocked as well. So she pushed herself upward, off of the male. She jolted in shock internally screaming. Rosalie turned her attention to the head of the agency. "Um... Hi-" she questioned. Her shoulder bag still over both of her shoulders.

"we meet once again Miss Haruka, I supposed you know me as Agent Rosa, but do address me as Rosalie Palladium." 

too be continued...

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