New world

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This story is non cannon to my gunslinger series and it's not canon to Ian_Star205 's sword master series. But it is set after guns and glory and sometime during swords and magic after the flints became part of Ian's book. Please enjoy... or don't you do you.

Chapter 1

John was sitting on the couch reading a book while Alex and Elisa where cleaning there guns at the kitchen table.

John: "you guys know Daniel is going to go ballistic when he sees that."

Elisa: "what? Good gun maintenance is the key to life or death on the battlefield. He wouldn't know he uses swords."

Alex: "I think it has to do with the fact we eat on this table rather then the guns themselves."

Elisa: "don't you have hope and despair? Why are you cleaning all these other guns?"

Alex: "because I like verity. And hope and despair are nice but they don't have the capability of a m4 or a sniper rifle or even a shotgun. And I like my 1911s."

Daniel: "hey guys I'm back. You would not believe the idiots I had to deal with today."

John: "got into a fight?"

Daniel: "yea..."

Alex: "it would have been easier if you would just ask for a gun you know."

Daniel: "I don't need a gun. I'm the sword master I don't need a handicap... why are you doing that on the table?"

Elisa: "good gun maintenance can mean life or death on the battlefield. You would think a swordsman would know the importance of maintaining his gear."

Daniel: "I understand the maintenance part but why on the dinner table? We eat on this."

Ian: "let it go Daniel. There obviously going to clean the table afterwards."

Ian who just came into the room sat on the couch and turned on the tv to watch wrestling.

Ian: "Aiden's dropping by in a sec to talk about something by the way."

Daniel: "alright cool. Alex please make sure that the tables clean when your done."

Alex: "yes MOOOM. I've only been doing this since I was a kid you know."

Aiden: "am I interrupting something here? Doesn't matter, check this out."

He put this blue box with a red button in the middle on the table. And Everyone looks at it.

John: "a button? I don't get it..."

Alex: "it's gotta be a trap... nobody's that stupid to just push a mysterious button... right?"

Ian: "It looks harmless. Why did you bring it by Aiden?"

Aiden: "because it just appeared out of thin air in my hand at random."

Elisa: "maybe it's not a trap? Maybe its from Michael or something?"

Daniel: "well for now I think it's best we just leave it alone. Who knows what'll happen if it's pushed."

Ian: "in that case I'm going back to watching wrestling."

Ian went to go back to the couch when the button appeared under his foot as he was walking and stepped on it pushing the button and a sound of a doorbell was Hurd before reality started to warp.

John: "here we go again..."

Everyone was then standing outside a school.

Daniel: "alright you gun nuts are dimension hoppers right? What happened?"

John: "I don't know... I can't make any dimension teleportation circles..."

Elisa/Alex: "same."

Aiden: "great... we're stuck... "

Alex: "well we're here for a reason so why don't we just figure that out first."

Ian was then standing thinking when we noticed he was looking at more people who seem just as confused as us.

Ian: "we could just go ask them?"

Ian then started walking towards this guy in a tracksuit with 2 maids a loli in a dress and a girl with white hair.

Ian: "let me guess... blue box with red button?"

???: "yup. How did you know?"

John: "happened to us too. I'm John. This is Ian that's Daniel, Elisa next to me and the cowboy there is Alex and the blond grumpy guy there is Aiden."

Subaru: "I'm natsuki Subaru this is rem, rom, Beatrice and Emilia. Any idea what's going on and where we are?"

??? "AATENTUON!!!"

This general was standing on a platform in front of us and we all looked confused.

??? "Your all late for class! Get a move on!!! Class 2!!!"

John: "we should probably play along for now. Maybe we can get answers."

Daniel: "guess we're going back to school..."

Subaru: "could be worse. We're from a fantasy world where everything is trying to kill us so maybe this isn't so bad."

We walk down the hallway towards the classroom.

Alex: "hey Subaru you go on ahead we're going to check something out."

Subaru: "alright see you soon."

We watched them go down the hallway.

Aiden: "what are we doing Alex?"

Alex: "I want to see there reactions when they go into the classroom incase it's a trap."

Daniel: "wow cold blooded... we just met them and your using them as mine sweepers?"

John: "I'm sure it's fine. When have you guys ever Hurd of something bad happening at a school?"

Ian and Daniel: "we went to kouh academy!!"

John: "yea so? All the stupid shit happened outside of school hours."

Alex: "everything will be fine. We have guns after all."

Daniel: "that's even worse!!! Guns and schools don't mix!!!"

Elisa: "but swords are fine?"

Ian: "fair enough."

Aiden: "let's just get this over with. Be ready for anything be ready at summon your weapons at any moment."

Alex summons hope and despair on his hips, John summoned ragnarok on his hip, Elisa summoned pride and envy on her hips, Ian summoned Excalibur on his hip, Daniel summoned truth and dare on his hips and Aiden summoned crossfire on his hip. We where ready for anything and John opens the door and we all rush in.., only to see it's a normal classroom.

Alex: "if it wasn't for the big undead guy and the other supernatural beings around him, the im going to assume... adventurers? What looks like world war 1 German soldiers and Subarus group I'd say it's just a normal classroom..."

John: "and we all look like idiots..."

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 09, 2023 ⏰

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