It's just getting started

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As a kid you and thoma never really got along, he would go through his way to make you.. scared or disgusted. One day you were hanging out with your friend when little thoma came up to you and said, "Hey y/n~" he then threw a frog down your new dress! you were so mad you got your mothers katana from the stand and chased him around with it until he apologized. Fast forwards to today, you were walking around sweeping since it's cherry blossom season, while you were sweeping thoma came up from behind about to pour a bucket on you when you turn around, hit him in the head sending the bucket flying onto his head, you start laughing your ass off and say, "Better luck next time." you then hand the broom to thoma about to walk away when he says, "You're lucky you're pretty." you turn around and say, "What did you say?" he then looks away freaked out and says, "I MEANT PETTY!" you just rolled your eyes and said, "Sure ya did. I gotta go get ready for the party tonight! You should too! Bye!" you then ran off waving. Later that night you were watching the party go on from afar since you had to have someone "Escort" you to the party, 5 minutes into watching the party someone walked up to you.. It was ayato!, "Oh hey ayato.." "What are you doing here alone y/n..?" ayato asked, "Oh.. well i dont have a date to the party so i cant go." he then looks away for a second clearly blushing when he says, "Would you uhm.. Like to go to the party with me..?" he then held out his hand and you looked at him with badazzled eyes, "Yes!" you then grabbed his hand and kissed him on the cheek heading into the party.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 28, 2022 ⏰

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