What is this?

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I looked on the ground and saw a stick it looked like it had moss on it. Molly come over here! Wow what is the woods becoming? I don't know a polluted place that people think as a garbage can. Yea that's right. Selena look over here. It's a dead animal. Rest in peace little guy. Hah! It looks like a bunch of dogs stuck together with termites! So this is a joke to you! Sorry.. This is not just junk its CRAP! How hard is it to just simply put a soda can in the trash! Unless people just don't wanna walk that far because they are more lazy than my mo- I mean me... Anyways let's start cleaning.

Look at this butterfly! This must be the area that isn't polluted I'm glad she made it

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Look at this butterfly! This must be the area that isn't polluted I'm glad she made it. You mean he! No it's a she! It's a he blind idiot! SHE'S purple! It's a she. Hey guys how about we  call her Kelly. Oh that's  nice name. I agree but my mom says don't name animals unless they are your's

Well... Your mom isn't here right now so said her! Uhm you said it! Don't listen to your parents if your trying to save the world kids! We should get back to cleaning and earn us some bucks! I can already feel the money raining down on us. You guys are doing it for the money but I'm doing it for the better. Who said I'd care about money. Like you two are the greediest people in this city! AM NOT! ARE TOO! And it's so true I have a video of you two being greedy rich people. Uhm guys shouldn't we be getting work done. Oh right we cleaned for hours and hours it was hard to believe such jerky people do this stuff. Why the heck on earth day? Finally we got done and then we went to the spot where Kelly was. Kelly you know my mom and dad could hire bodyguards for your woods to be kept safe. Or we can just ask mayor to put this on the protected property list.  I can not stand to see these woods looking like a forest out of a horror movie. Look! Oh my god are those two butterflies making out! Ewwww! That is gross and the definition of nasty gross. I don't think they are making out they are sitting in a perfect angle with each other. What? Selena explain this to idiotic Jacob. Basically compare the world during Covid and the pollution here. With these to butterflies if they were back to back that would be pollution. And if one of them was walking all over the place and the other stays on the leaf that's Covid. Comparing the world to butterflies are as simple as geometry. No it isn't! I'm smart and I said so and your going to have to go with it. Anyways they are perfectly lined up nose to nose. Isn't nose to nose a french kis- ANYWAYS that the butterflies aren't all zig zag you see Covid is them flying around all over the place and the pollution here is them back to back. But the world perfectly going right is them face to face,

The world compared to these butterfliesWhere stories live. Discover now