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Hey there! Welcome to my funky lil' request book that hopefully isn't forgotten about. Now you might just be wondering how I run things;


* Be spesific of what you want with your request. Stuff relating to gender, characters, something pertaining to the reader, etc. I am SUPER bad at running with missing details so if its basic like "[] x weremoth reader," the reader will be gender neutral; using they/them.

* I will take no requests relating or pertaining to;
• Pedophilia
• Beasiality
• Incest
• Yandere
• Nsfw/Kinks
(List may be added onto)

* Do not feel down if your request is denied/ignored/etc; I may be busy/may not enjoy it/struggled writing it.

* Do not complain if something was not up to your standard.

* While I will focus on requests containing the calamity trio, I will take requests for other characters! (This includes polyamory relationships!!!)

* Most importantly, do not feel pressured to vote on this book, this is just something for me to do in my freetime or to warm up for bigger writings.



♡ Anne ♡

♡ Sasha ♡

♡ Marcy ♡

♡ Misc ♡

♡ Trios ♡

♡ Duos ♡

Idiosyncratic ♧ Amphibia x Reader requestsWhere stories live. Discover now