A new day~Chapter 1

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Tucker's pov-

I sat in the car on my phone reading some texts from friends.

"Did you guys study for the test in Mrs ___ class today?"

"Test?" Tucker responded

"Oh right you weren't here when she said it."

"Great I already have bad enough grades-"

"Don't worry its simple algebra you may get like a 70%."

He sighed as his mom pulled up to the school.He got out waved his mom bye and walked over to the cafeteria to get breakfast.

With Mason.C pov-

Mason had studied a good 5 hours for the test that day.It was a little overkill but he just wanted to make sure he gets a good grade.

He sat in the car waiting for his mom to pull up to the school.Mason didn't normally bring his phone to school.He was always scared he would lose it.His mom pulled in the car line.He hugged his mom and walked over to the cafeteria to eat some breakfast.

With Mason.J

Mason sat at home doing school work he had to make up.Because he got suspended the day before.

"Stupid- I was just a joke..." Mason mumbles

"That doesn't make it an excuse" Mason's mother said standing in the doorway

Mason didn't even notice his mother there.He was to focused on work and the incident that happened the day before.

"I really didn't mean it! It was just a joke!"Mason said

"Mason what you did yesterday could be considered sexual assault!" Mason's mother said slightly raising her voice

"You can't just go around and do that even if It was meant to be a joke-"

Mason's mother walked off before Mason could say anything else.

Mason sighed and went on his computer to check his assignments.

"We have a test today!?" Mason said

"Great- Just great..."

With Tucker

Tucker sat at his table eating a sausage biscuit and looking through his phone.

"Hey Tucker!" He hears a familiar voice behind him

He turns around to see Mason.C one of his good friends.They had just became friends this year but they did get pretty close in that time.

"Hey do you know what happened to Mason?"Mason asked

"Hm? No? He just got sick didn't he?"Tucker replied

"No Mason shoved his finger down Lucas's ass!" Mason said

Tucker looked at Mason like he just killed a man.

"I'm sorry- What-" Tucker said in a shocked tone

"Yep- Apparently they were playing around and that ended up happening. He got suspended."

Mason and Tucker looked at each other and silently they both decided to change the subject.

After Breakfast was over Mason and Tucker went there separate ways and went over to there first classes.

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