Blood and tears

28 0 4

"Syn! Get up now,you need to go to school its Friday." My father shouted and got up stretching a sharp pain shot down my arm. 'Stupid freakin' scars..' I thought while getting out of bed,the cold crisp air of the apartment piercing my skin. I swiftly got dressed,brushed my teeth,and fixed my hair. I walked out of the house with my dad,the cold brisk wind made my face freeze. We walked down the stairs of the apartment. I climbed into my father's dusty work truck,he dropped me off at school because he was running late.

"Syn!" One of my friends shouted.


"What's wrong?" She asked,with a steirn look. She always worried about me ever since I... Well let's not talk about that.

"Nothing." I said,in reply,not wanting to worry her.

"Okay but if anythings wrong you can always talk to me." She said,with a smile,it was good to know that I had friends that cared about me,and I cared about them.

We walked into our class with our other friends. I sat down and looked around the room,my teacher smiling .
The day seemed short,I sat at home,since it was quiet I began to think about a stuipid boy,I began to cry and stare at the wall,drifting into a very cold sleep....

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