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"It's the realest thing, I mean it" Gwen had said, with her soothe voice , her skin so pale but so warm, and her eyes, so full of life. Real? It dosent feel like it anymore , if it ever was.
These are the thoughts I find myself with in my down time. There's no stoping them, inevitable. Which is probably why I find myself either working or patrolling the city most of my time. I have no time for myself. I don't want time for myself.
Still, swinging around the city for long periods makes me enter auto-pilot mode, the kind you go into when you go on long car drives. You just space out, with your mind going into a void. Alive but unconscious. I try to tell myself I'm just doing my job, but I don't believe it. I know I have to find time for myself, for the real me. A better paying job is probably my biggest concern right now. I have been living of the money I had saved up for most of my teenage years, but it's not gonna last for long. Even the crappiest of apartments are overpriced in this city. Aunt may was very reluctant of letting me go, she would never let me go unless she knew I would be fine. That's why I lied. I made her believe I had a full time stable job , instead a bartender position is all I could amount to. I wasn't ready for more so I lied, Just like I've been doing all these years, of course I felt awful about it. Believe me, lying to the most important person in your life really takes a toll on you, but I just had to get out of there. I just want to be alone.
    Today the city's streets are full. Full of people doing their daily routines trying to make a living in this world. Some have it better than others. You look one way and you see business men with their expensive suits making way to their meeting. And Yet, not far away, you can find people who are lost. People with torn clothes, bags in their eyes holding up a sign. A sign asking for the crumbs of leftovers of others. It's funny how the way your view things can change so drastically, in so little time. Before, I would have probably thought about how the city was lively so full of opportunities and before that I would envy the people who didn't had to endure your usual school bully.
       I had so much work to do, being on the sidelines for so long brought new challenges. It provided criminals, gangs, mobs to run rampant across the city. Most notably Tombstone a crime boss who has recently made a name for himself in this city. Although, he has probably been operating for far longer. My slip up, my weakness let him expand. Spread far out of my control. Nearly every crime has to do with him now. The only positives are that his way of doing things is quieter than the average mob boss. Thus making him harder to take down, i couldn't complain, it kept a lot of people out of immediate danger . I wish I could say I'm making progress but I don't know.  "ee-oo-ee-oo" Police cars started to fly through the streets. First crime of the day, it seemed.
     It was a bank robbery. The police had already surrounded the place, their guns drawn aiming at the bank. They already had someone in custody. A getaway driver it seemed like. How could they have failed so miserably I thought. This wasn't a good sign.
I swiftly made my entrance and as I crawled through the roof  I realized my suspicions were right. They were amateurs, they were nervous alarmed at every tiny noise there was. However, they were well equipped, with the kind of guns you would expect from the military. Three people lost in this world. People who took the wrong path. One behind the two in front who were frantically yelling at a employee who was in contact with the police telling the officers their demands. With civilians caught in it. I had to approach this carefully, anything could startled them enough to shoot and it only takes one bullet to shatter a world.
I landed on the one in the back swiftly knocking him out. The others barely having any time to react before their guns had been clogged by my webs. I then proceeded to web them up. And like that it was over.
"Hey, you're all okay" I said loudly as I made my way to one of the hostages. She was tied up on the floor with a gag on her, trying to say something. I took the gag of her "There were four of them"
At that moment my spider sense went off like crazy. I looked behind me to find a kid, no older than 18, he fiercely held up a rifle shaking.
"Put the gun down" I moved slowly trying to make some distance.
"Stop, don't move!" He yelled
This wasn't going to end well so I prepared my webs and—
The hostage behind me suddenly ran.
"Snap" the trigger was pulled.

I made my way into my apartment defeated. I knew I should've done better. I should've payed more attention. I should've acted quicker. Maybe I really was overworked. I was quick enough to save her, at the cost of taking two shots, but that didn't bother me. I couldn't stand the thought of the loss of a human life, someone with a future, someone who had a whole life ahead of them. And It would have been all my fault. Again,

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 25, 2023 ⏰

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