I Went To The Demons

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A demon proposed to me
with a diamond ring and on one knee.
It gave me déjà vu
and so I refused.
The proposal years ago
was from a gentleman.
He said he loved me romantically
and I accepted him immediately.

Everything was as good as ideal
until it wasn't anymore.
He, who claimed to love me
wanted to see me hurt.
I, who had accepted him,
accepted everything he gave.
He wanted to bruise my skin
until it would bleed.
He asked me if he could
and I nodded as I loved him by then.
His soft kisses weren't soft anymore;
the love bites turned into blue marks.
He wouldn't stop until I said so;
I couldn't refuse as I didn't want to.

He kept broadening my limits.
I kept giving myself to him.
One day he asked if I really wanted this.
I kissed him & said I wanted him.
He asked why I wanted these scars.
I whispered "because it's from you."
He asked what's so special in him.
I showed him my bruises and smiled.
He slapped me and demanded my words.
"Only you could give me these scars."

He stepped back shocked from my answer,
"Anyone could hurt you, if you ask them."
I smiled with the tears in my eyes,
"No, they wouldn't," I said.
He placed a knife on my arm, "Can I cut you?"
I pleaded, "I don't want this to end."
He asked do I live for these scars only?
I sighed, "I live for you."

Everything was as good as perfect
until it wasn't anymore.
He died an year ago;
I'm frustrated with the fading of my scars.
I missed him because I loved him.
I loved him because I don't know?
I craved for my marks to re-appear
but I couldn't do it myself.
I needed someone to bruise me
so, I went to the demons.

I declared I'm looking for a suitor;
they all started preparing for it.
They sat me on a throne
'cause they thought I was an angel.
One by one, they proposed me
with flowers, diamonds or stars.
I kept on refusing as
I wanted only scars.

When few of them were left,
they started offering me worlds.
I stood up in frustration and shouted, "Could anyone give me scars?"
Half of them were embarrassed;
the rest didn't even look up.
Only demons could bruise me
but they wouldn't hurt an angel.
I looked up at the sky
and yelled at my dead lover,
"No one would hurt me,
even when I ask them to, see?"

A demon ran to me
and went down on his knees.
He asked me if I'd accept him;
I questioned what he could offer me.
"Anything you wish for", he answered.
"Scars, please?" I almost begged.
He nodded and asked me the reason.
I looked up, "I miss him; I love him."

His expressions turned into anger
and he got up on his feet.
When I asked if he would give me scars,
he started walking away.
When I desperately yelled, "Pleaseeee?"
He turned around and stared at me.

I went on my knees crying
and repeated "Please?" in desperation.
He smiled and went away disappearing;
I sobbed looking up, "Afterall, he's a demon!"

~Miss V

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⏰ Last updated: May 01, 2022 ⏰

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