Chapter 1- Looking at the Waves

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7:30 came around and the sun was beginning to rise. It was on the coast of Australia where Hope and Josie were trying to enjoy their summer vacations together while they slept deeply. A woman with auburn hair rubbed her eyes as the sun hit her face. She looked over at the woman next to her for a split-second.

Josie was there. Her best friend and " platonic soulmate". When Hope went outside to look at the ocean, the brunette's soft snores filled the room. She looked at how the waves hit the shore and the sound they made. It always amazed her how well they worked together.

If I die, I want to come back as a turtle so I can spend all my time in beautiful beaches like this one.

There, on the same balcony, she sat and thought about how she was going to enjoy this trip. Since Landon dumped her and Penelope dumped Josie, nothing has been the same for her.

The only thing she could feel was pain. How could she have fun? There was no actual reason to be so far away from New Orleans, but Josie convinced her to fly out and have fun so here she was on a balcony in Australia.

As she took a deep breath, she felt someone's arms wrap around her waist and hold her in place. They were warm and the scent of vanilla filled the entire air.

"What are you doing up so early?"

"I'm just looking at the waves."

"And that's why I gave you that necklace," Josie said while holding Hope's necklace in between her fingers. As she delicately ran her thumb over the small wave, she let out a small smile.

"Do you remember when I gave you this?"

"Yeah, it was after our class fieldtrip to the beach. We were cleaning up and you sat beside me, trying to make new friends. It was the funniest thing ever," Hope said while letting out a chuckle at the old memory.

"Oh, I'm sorry Ms. Introvert. Not all of us can be like you," Josie said while placing her head on the girl's shoulder.

"Yeah, but you love me. I guess being an introvert isn't so bad after all is it?"

"I guess not. You should get ready, today we're meeting up with some of my friends over here. They're taking us drinking and dancing."

"I told you I'm not ready to move on Jo. Landon and I can still give it a try."

"For fuck's sake Hope. Listen to me baby," the brunette said while grabbing the girl's face in her delicate hands.

"Landon doesn't love you. He just uses you and I'm tired of it. From now on, you are mine and that's it. No more boys, no more girls you are mine now. I claim you; you are my property."

"You can't legally do that Jo..."

"Nobody ever follows the law anyways, so come on girlfriend we have to get ready now."

After finishing that very needed conversation, Josie dropped her clothes on the way to the bathroom. To do stupid things in front of a girl or strip in front of the auburn-haired woman was normal. However, as soon as Hope saw her start to lose her clothes, she just rolled her eyes and threw her a towel.

"Nobody wants to see you naked," Hope said while trying to hide the pink that was starting to surround her cheeks.

"Oh yeah? Tell that to your blushing cheeks. Get ready Hope or I'll make you regret it," Josie said while peeking out the door and sending the girl a threatening smirk.

"I swear you make everything sexual," the auburn-haired woman said while rolling her eyes at the girl. She did not change her instinct to follow Josie's advice though, so she just grabbed her clothes and changed in the living room of their villa, which is where they lived.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 10, 2023 ⏰

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