a magnificent night

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A nice night
After leaving moonlight in guilt sea fairy couldn't leave any longer she had to bring moonlight's frozen body as she rushed to where moonlight was she quickly snatched moonlight from the sight of frost queen as the both ran off one being frozen the other devastated as they arrived at their house sea fairy gently melted the ice on moonlight moonlight happily got up and look at sea fairy's face and kissed her as moonlight said with the happiest face: thank you my sweetheart! As sea fairy blushed with the happiest look sea fairy said: I love you too darling! As both went to their room both got changed and went to sleep in the morning sea fairy woke up made breakfast woke up herb,sorbet and moonlight all gathered around the table sea fairy said: so how's your picnic with cherry blossom last morning? Herb answered: well it was great as usual! I brought along sorbet with me so they can play with cherry! Sea fairy said: Awwww! That's great moonlight said: what a cute relationship it reminds me of me and your mother! Sea fairy said: I know right remember when we were their age we used to make treats for each other! Moonlight and sea fairy giggle sorbet said: OOoOooO!( Cherry was nice! ) Sea fairy said: that's sweet! As everyone changed into their clothes for today all got down and left the house sea fairy helped some sea creatures under the sea while moonlight hanged out with wind archer and fire spirit sorbet explored more as usual while herb was at his garden after the day was over all returned home after they ate showerd and other stuff they went asleep then they heard a mysterious knock on the door all went downstairs to see who was knocking then they surprising saw...

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⏰ Last updated: May 02, 2022 ⏰

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