Nightmares and wills

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Running. That's all I could do right now, he was getting closer.
I ran into the nearest room, it was labelled as 'room 13'.

I slammed the door closed behind me then clapped my hand over my mouth.
As my heart raced I heard an eerie hum that belonged to that of a human male.

Then I felt a slim boney hand coil around my shoulder. I froze and gasped as the air in my lungs halted to return.

"Claaaraaaa..." and male voice called.

"CLARA!" a female voice yelled.

I woke with a Yelp and turned to see my sister beside me.

"Are you okay?! I've been trying to wake you up for like 15 minutes!"

"Y-yeah, I'm fine Emily. It was just a nightmare."

She gave me a hug then we both made our way downstairs for breakfast.

Together we made our family famous spicy chilli bacon and eggs. Yeah you probably think that's gross but it tastes great once you and the maple syrup.

Once the food had been made I went over to the dining table and realised I had left my pictures of my great great grandmother all over  the table.

I sighed and put them all back in there special wooden box. She had passed away almost three weeks ago. I missed her very much.

"Eat up" my sister said gesturing towards my meal.

I nodded and began to jab my food with my fork eating my food. I looked up at Emily and saw she wore a grieving face.

She looked up at me and spoke, "Clara...We have to look at great gran grans will (that is what we called her) it's what she would have wanted, and we need to see who got the

"You're right" I agreed with a sad nod.

She nodded back at me and made her way over to our safe disguised as a cabinet, opened the 'cabinet' doors and entered the code. After the sage opened, she pulled out a slim box made from dark oak.
As the lid was lifted off the box, inside reviled an old elegantly wrapped letter beautifully held together by a luxurious gold ribbon.

Very gently Emily lifted the letter out the box and made her way over to the bay window.

She looked at me with kind eyes and patted next to her.

"Let's read it together." She said sweetly.

I nodded and talked over to the bay window and plonked myself next to her and we both carefully opened the will together.

The first part read:
My dear children and grandchildren
I leave these things to you in hopes
You'll take care of them after I pass
- Clara evens

Both me and Emily teared up at seeing her hand writing again.
Together we giggled at the ridiculous and adorable things she had left to us.

"Emily! You got her motet cycle collection!"

Emily teared up with gratitude.

"That's so sweet of her. And look, you got her 1960's convertible."

This Will was almost like talking to our great gran gran again, sweet, funny and warm.

Then my eyes landed open the hotel and something I thought I'd never see:

And to my beloved wife and great
Grandchildren i leave my life's work
The great Evans Hotel located in
Evanston Chicago. - Clara Evans

"E-Emily.....w-we got the hotel-"

"Car- now, we need to talk to the bank."

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⏰ Last updated: May 12, 2022 ⏰

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