My Reputation's Never Been Worse

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Hope was in the middle of dinner with her parents for the third time this week.

The only reason she tolerated it, was because of the cute waitress that has been their server every time.

As if on cue, the brunette walked up to them and took their orders.

She looked to be around the same age as Hope.

She looked more upset than the last two times they were here, but she just shrugged it off.

The school year had just started, and she was in the middle of transferring to a pretentious boarding school.

Her parents had decided that her future was going to be in their hands from now on.

"You need to clean up your act, honey. This school could be good for you. I don't understand why you always feel the need to act out."

Hope just rolled her eyes, not really wanting to be anywhere near Mystic Falls, Virginia.

She just wanted to go back home to New Orleans.

"Your mother is right, it's about time you grow up and stop embarrassing the Mikaelson name."


The pressure that came with being the only heir to THE Klaus Mikaelson, was astronomical and he made sure to throw it in her face any chance he could.

This was the second high school she had been kicked out of in the last year and a half, and they were honestly ready to give up on her.

They heard of this program that helps troubled youth from one of their life long friends, Carol or something like that.

Honestly, Hope was just tired of living up to their expectations. They wanted her to take over the family business, but she did everything she could to show zero interest in it.

The auburnette paid no attention to the rest of her parent's conversation and zoned them out.

Her phone was suddenly going off, when she looked at the screen it was her longtime boyfriend Landon.

They grew up in the same circle of kids that surrounded the hierarchy of their parent's businesses.

They were only together because everyone expected them to be, he was the son to the second biggest firm back home.

She only dated him to get her parents off of her back, she wasn't really into him.

She was however into Maya, Bea, and a dozen other girls she had casually hooked up with behind his back.

When she had told him the news of her having to move, it just created a lot of tension. They decided to try doing the long distance thing for the sake of their parents, but she didn't take it too seriously.

So instead of answering her phone, she let it go to voicemail.

She needed something to take her mind off of this disaster of a situation so she excused herself to go to the bathroom.

Did she have to pee? No.

She did however have a joint on her and there was no way she was going back out there sober.

The auburnette hid in the last stall, inhaling deeply.

When she exhaled, the door to the bathroom slammed open.

"Are you seriously smoking in here?" She said the voice.

She instantly recognized it as the cute waiter, so she stepped out of the stall, taking a deep drag of the item.

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⏰ Last updated: May 02, 2022 ⏰

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