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Authors note: Yo mama

I'm having a weird experience right now, and it's all because Felix and I are a bit too curious for our own good. The event that led me to this situation is pretty much my fault, so I'm gonna talk about it. It happened when me and my friend decided to visit the only interesting place in town. There wasn't really anywhere we could go in that area besides a gas station, some fast food restaurant, or our houses, So we went to the really old abandoned mall just to try something different.

Now, I know that breaking into abandoned buildings is illegal and whatnot, but I thought we would be fine. I figured the worst thing that could happen is I get lost for a few minutes or attacked by a racoon or something. Neither of those things happened, but something much worse happened instead.

The first thing we did was head over to the food court to sit down at one of the old booths to eat our food. Felix and I always took turns bringing a few sandwiches with us in case we got hungry. That time it was my turn, and I prepared myself for Felix's inevitable complaints about my sandwiches.

I pulled two plastic-wrapped turkey sandwiches out of my jacket pocket and tossed them onto the table. "Sweet." Felix grumbled. "More of your terrible sandwiches." He put his face into his hands and sighed. "What's wrong? Are my sandwiches not good enough? Hope you brought your own, then," I shouted. He lifted his head from his hands and said "Oh, I'm eating that sandwich, Ren. Just letting you know that your sandwiches taste like rotting garbage half the time." Rotting garbage.

"Whatever. Just hurry up and eat, I'm getting bored." I sat down, grabbed my sandwich off the table and then slouched in the booth. As I started to unwrap my sandwich, Felix smashed his fist down on the table, breaking the silence. I was startled and jumped. With the sound still echoing through the empty mall, Felix then grabbed his own sandwich, looked over at me and chuckled to himself.

Although we were a bit mean to eachother, we would still go everywhere together. We were basically inseparable. When I finished my sandwich, I got up and brushed the crumbs off of my pants. "Wanna go somewhere we haven't tried yet, maybe something on the west wing this time?", Felix asked. "Yeah. I have a place in mind, let's go." I replied.

We were just messing around, breaking into old stores and such. The stores didn't seem that special, just really, really old. There wasn't really all that much to see, mostly because the power doesn't work in the building anymore.

Me and my pal Felix broke into that one weird edgy store where those emo kids and anime fanatics go, because it was the only store that didn't look as...old.

Of course, pretty much all the stores were empty, but we still wanted to check the back room to see if there was anything left lying around that we could mess with or maybe steal.

In the back of the weird edgy store was nothing but some old computer on a desk, along with a few very expired coupons and some paperwork. I didn't quite recognize what type of computer it was, so it really must've been a fossil of a computer.

I'm pretty sure Felix was still in the front of the store  trying to pry open the cash register for any cash he might get his hands on. I knew for a fact that there wouldn't be anything in the cash registers, but Felix is so full of greed that he'll check anyway.

I decided that I was going to try to turn on the computer to see if it had any games on it. I pressed the power button, and sure enough, the computer booted up.  The old computer didn't even ask me to type in a password. The only color that the computer displayed was some gross green color, like what you see in those weird old movies.

There were about 3 applications on the computer in total, ComWrite, ComPaint and WONKWONKYWONKWONK.exe. I had no idea what any of these programs had to do with running a store, but I didn't care much.  Out of curiosity and being dumb, I decided the first application I was going to click on is WONKWONKYWONKWONK.exe.

As soon as I clicked it, a loud buzzing sound came from the computer, and suddenly the entire computer screen began glowing brighter and brighter.
I wanted to move, but something stopped me. I couldn't see what it was. The whole room lit up with the gross green color the computer screen made.

I looked out of the doorframe and squinted at the cashier's desk, but I didn't see Felix. In confusion and fear I called out for Felix. "BRO, WE NEED TO GET OUT OF HERE, I THINK SOMETHING IS WRONG WITH THIS COMPUTER!" It was too late, he was already gone. He could've been anywhere by now.

I look back at the computer screen, and it was about as bright as a semi truck's headlights. The computer started making more complicated buzzing sounds. It almost sounded like it was trying to spell something out loud.

As the sounds played, black letters showed up on the screen. I could barely read what they said. As my eyes focused on the screen, I could read "R". Another buzzing sound. "E". One more buzzing sound. "N". Ren. That's my name.

For obvious reasons, I started screaming at the top of my lungs, hoping that Felix would hear me and come help. He shouted something back at me, sounding like he was a store or two down the hall. I couldn't tell what he was saying, or how he left without me noticing. All I knew was that something must've happened to him.

I suddenly felt a hefty bonk on the back of my head which caused me to pass out.

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