One More Night

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Swamrie. One shot. Based off of the song "One More Night" by Maroon 5. Slightly NSFW. NSFF. Some violence (not domestic violence...loving violence you could say...)
Maroon 5 sees this song as something different than I do but this is my depiction of the song! :)

Mamrie's Pov 

I've been staying at Sarah's for the past few weeks because Kyle kicked me out. He said I "never spend time" with him. Yet, I spend everyday with him. He's the one that has meetings til 10 pm. He said he needed a break and frankly, so do I.

Sarah and I have had a little fling going on for awhile though...I like her a lot. But I don't wanna break up with Kyle.

"You have to tell him." Sarah says out of nowhere. 

"No. We've been over this. He'll break up with me."

"So what?" Sarah stands up and glares at me.


"Mamrie, seriously? You're not happy with him!" Sarah yells.

She does this every fucking day and I'm tired of dealing with it. We fight like we're going to war. I stand up and walk into the bedroom and slam the door. She immediately walks in behind me.

"Why are you so goddamn stubborn?! Admit it, Mamrie! You don't love him anymore!" Sarah yells.

"I do! Jesus Sarah, get over it! I can't believe you're doing this right now!" I yell in her face.

"Why are you mad at me?! I'm trying to help you."

"No. Get the fuck out." I say, pointing to the door.

"No! Tell me why you're doing this!" She demands. 

I start toward the door but she's not having any of it. She shoves me back to the wall and pins my arms to the wall with her leg in between mine to keep me still. Even if I wanted to, I wouldn't be able to get away. She may not look it, but she's strong.

"We're so dysfunctional." I whisper. 

She shakes her head.

"We can't do this anymore." I look down. 

She lifts my chin and kisses me roughly. There she goes again. Just like the past few weeks. I'm not even thinking when I grip her waist and kiss back. I let everything go and just live in the moment. She presses more into me like she's stuck on my body. The friction between our bodies makes me need her even more. God I feel stupid for crawling back to her. I swear to myself that I'll only stay one more night. I've said it about a million times before, but now I'm serious.

"I'll only stay with you one more night." I whisper into her ear.

She nods and continues to kiss me. She leads me to the bed and lays me down. I try to say no but I can't. Her hands roam underneath my shirt.

I told myself that we should stop but her pink lipstick has me so out of breath. She bites my neck and sucks on my pulse point. I moan and she giggles a bit. 

"This. Off." I point to her clothing. 

"Take it off me." She whispers sexily in my ear.

I nod and gently lift her tank top over her body and throw it on the ground. I know in the morning I'll hate myself for this. She moves her way down my body and plays with the hem of my sweatpants. 

"Stop teasing."

She giggles and pulls the soft fabric down my legs. I pull down her shorts and she continues to kiss me all over. She moves down my stomach, killing me with kisses. After what feels like hours, she gets down to where I need it most. 

Within minutes, she has me screaming her name. When I come down from my high, she laughs and kisses me with wet lips. We both curl up under the covers and she falls asleep within, what seems like, seconds. I smile at her snoring and take her in my arms, causing her to wake up for a brief moment. 

"Be my little spoon?" I whisper. She nods without opening her eyes and turns around so that I can spoon her. She places her arm over my arm and we fall asleep together.

The sun brightens up the room around 9 am. I wake up in the same place I do everyday lately. In Sarah's bed. She's wrapped up in my arms so I gently peel myself away from her and head into the livingroom. I feel satisfied yet so guilty. God, I hate myself. I gather myself and go out for a walk, to think. I know what I need to do now. When I get back, she's still sleeping in the same position she was before. I smile and gather some bags. Before I leave, I write a note that says:

This thing isn't working'll be okay.

Sarah's Pov 

She said one more night but I didn't actually believe her. She left some of her stuff so she'll have to come back at some point and face me. She even left Beanz. I can't believe she would just leave like that. How could she leave me? Silent tears roll down my cheeks and I don't bother to wipe them away. I have to text her.

To: Mamrie
I'm so in love with you.

She deserves to know the truth. Two minutes later, I hear a knock on the door. I look through the peephole and it's Mamrie, carrying many bags. I open it and she looks like she's been crying to.

"I'm in love with you too."

"How di- what?" 

"I went to my house and got all my stuff and dumped Kyle. I drove here and I got your text while I was pulling up." She explains.

I'm so unbelievably happy right now. But I'm still so confused.

"You said this wasn't working out." 

"I said this "thing" isn't working out. I don't want to just hook up to ease the pain. I want you. I want us. Together." She blushes. 

I blush too and wrap my arms around her neck. She looks up at me with her beautiful green eyes that flicker to my lips. I giggle and capture her lips with mine. It's a soft kiss; something that we've never experienced with each other. It's always been hard and rough. I realize she still has several bags in her arms and pull away.

"Oh hey. Let me get those." I grab the bags and turn to put them in the bedroom. 

I feel gentle arms wrap around my waist as I'm unpacking her suitcases. She rests her chin on my shoulder and sighs.

"You're cute." I say, pulling away from her and winking. 

"I know." She laughs as I playfully hit her. 

"Wanna take Beanz on a walk?"

"Yeah sure!" She smiles. I turn around to get the leash when I feel a pinch on my ass. I squeal and turn around. 

"Sorry. Couldn't help it."

"I hate you."

"You love me." She says confidently. 

"Yeah...I do."

She smiles and we head out the door. We find a trail and decide to check it out. It's quite beautiful and we take lots of selfies. We make our way back to the house.

"Can I Instagram one of the selfies?" Mamrie asks.

"Of course!" I smile and kiss her softly. 

She puts the image of her and I crossing our eyes with Beanz in her arms. She put the caption:

Love these two 💕

I decide to Instagram one too. It's a picture of her with a bunch of my hair as a mustache. The caption I decide to go with reads:

Beautiful walks with this goof 😝

We laugh at all the comments. Some say "I ship it!" Or "Dat Swamrie doe!" 

When we get home I pop open champagne. 

"Cheers to one million more nights." She winks. 

That night we fall asleep on the couch watching movies.

Authors note: did you like it?! The beginning was based off of the song but I decided to make it a happy ending so I added more :) let me know what y'all think!!

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