Chapter 5

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Lena tries not to let her anxiety take over as she gets out of the car. Movie night was probably not something you should overthink. Not something to worry about as much as she is doing currently. It's not just movie night. Lena's tired and her thoughts keep jumping from having to explain she's never watched a 'real' movie to the letter to whether or not she should tell Kara she's pregnant right now or wait a little longer before she's seen her doctor. And if she waits, she has to not let it show. Not ponder over it for one night because then Kara might catch on. Lena's mask might be one of the best, but Kara somehow is able to see through it when Lena least wants her to. Her thoughts jump back to the letter as she climbs the stairs. If she tells Kara, there's no way she can meet the writer alone. Kara will insist on either sending Supergirl or her sister with Lena and Lena's not sure if she wants that. Though Kara would have a point. There's no way to know for sure it's not a trap. Even if the letter is eerily accurate. She's reached Kara's door and looks at it for a few seconds. Suddenly the prospect of having a movie night are laying heavy on her shoulder and she turns around again, walking back to the stairs, unsure if she's ready for a movie night. Even if it's with Kara. She's never had one before and oh, does she dislike new situations.

Before she reaches the stairs, however, she turns around again. Lena's hands are clenched and her jaw tight she steels herself and walks back to Kara's front door. She takes a deep breath before knocking. Full of enthusiasm, Kara opens the door, almost unhinging it in the process.

"Lena!" She almost shouts.

"Kara." Lena says, trained face hiding the anxiety she feels in her entire body.

Her arms stiffly by her side and her back straight and rigid.

"Come in, come in." Kara says, almost dragging the CEO over the doorstep and closing the door behind her. "I got takeout and ice cream."

Halfway to the kitchen she stops and looks back.

"Lena, those are not comfortable movie night clothes." Kara says, feigning a scolding tone while pointing at Lena's skinny jeans and her fancy shirt.

Lena looks down at her clothes, certain she'd picked out her most casual attire. She's wearing jeans and a shirt and to her that's about as casual as can be.

She merely lifts an eyebrow in reply to Kara, challenging the blonde's opinion while at the same time very glad very can both pretend like her sobbing by herself in her bathroom yesterday.

"Your shirt has a zipper." Kara points out, seeming personally offended at this fact. "And jeans definitely do not count as comfortable."

"Well, they do feel a lot better than pencil skirts." Lena says with a shrug.

"That does not make them comfortable." Kara reports, already halfway to her bedroom. "I'll grab you something better."

Lena watches as Kara walks away. The reporter is dressed in sweatpants, a sweater and fuzzy socks, which, granted, do look a lot more comfortable than her jeans. She takes off her coat and puts it with Kara's chaotic collection. Next, she starts untying her shoes. Kara comes back with a small pile of clothes which she almost throws at Lena out of enthusiasm.

"Here you go. You can change in the bathroom and then we can eat." Kara says, while Lena struggles to re-pile the mess of clothes she's received.

Lena flashes Kara a red-lipped smile and recedes to the bathroom. She's never actually worn clothes like this. She does own a sweater like this one, but from MIT, not National City University. It's been in the back of her closet ever since receiving it. Only making a way out when days were especially bad, could nights were long and she was alone. A Luthor could not been seen wearing such clothes. She rolls her eyes as she remembers her mother's reaction when Lena had shown the sweater. Lena, you're a Luthor. Not some scholarship student who needs to prove their worth by showing where they get their education. She rolls her eyes at the memory and feels a little rebellious when she puts on the sweater and sweatpants. Kara has even given her a pair of fuzzy socks to put on and Lena marvels at the comfort of the clothes. Her mother might have had a point about the way the look as they do not look very good and are not at all form-flattering but they are absolutely the most comfortable clothes she's ever worn. She hugs her arms to herself, soaking in the feeling of softness before stepping out of the bathroom.

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