Chapter 7

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Lena arrives back at L-Corp and is reminded of all the work she still has to do by the stack of papers on her desk. She pulls the headache inducing elastic from her tight ponytail and slip out of her heels before she settles in her desk chair and makes a start on the first page. She works through the pile page by page in an excruciatingly slow pace, the stack only diminishing slightly every hour. After a few hours, the stack of paperwork that she's finished with is still a lot smaller than the other one. So Lena decides now is as good a time as any to take a bathroom break and get some distraction by writing down and arranging her new ideas for projects. In the bathroom, her eyes fall on the clothes she discarded haphazardly this morning. They look so tempting and comfortable, just lying over there. Lena gives them a few glances, trying to fight the urge to wear them again. They are Kara's clothes and she probably wants them back as soon as possible. Though she's not sure when she'll see Kara again, and what damage would it do if she just for once wore them again. Only this one time. Just to make her work more bearable. She shrugs a little before slipping out of her clothes and pulling on the sweatpants and sweater. Wearing more comfy clothes, she makes her way back to her desk and grabs an empty piece of paper and a pencil. Mindlessly, she begins making some sketches of devices she's had in her mind for a while. She scribbles notes in the margin on the function of certain parts or how she'd go about making them. She ends up with a sketch for a band-aid that can measure concentrations of substances, like glucose or iron, in the blood through the skin. Another sketch shows a gun that makes a protective force field around whoever is targeted by it. A third sketch shows a locker that has a GPS tracker inside which is activated by touch, sending only a signal when in contact with skin and undetectable by screening if it isn't activated. The fourth and last sketch is a new take at the device Lena used to spread lead through the atmosphere. It's a hopeless attempt at designing a way to get rid of said lead. The design is there, now the compound that has to actually make the lead go away. Something that binds it or that neutralizes it. She gets up to grab a folder with some of Lex's old sketches to get new inspiration and see if there's actually something useful in there. Before she even takes a second step her head starts feeling a little too light as she realizes she got up too fast. The world begins tilting, her vision is invaded by black blotches that keep on growing until everything is obscured by a pitch-black tint. Her hand shoots out to grab the edge of her desk as she teeters on her feet.

The light-headedness, dizziness and vision loss all fade away as they came on and she sarcastically congratulates herself that there's no one with her who's seen it happen. She changes direction and opens a cupboard, thankful of few-hours-ago-self. A quick online search had told her that eating frequent meals, starting while still in bed, are the way to combat morning sickness - though Lena thinks they could better call it pregnancy sickness because it clearly isn't limited to mornings - and that crackers are always a good meal when still nauseous. So, she had gone out and bought herself a box of crackers, from which she now gratefully grabs a package. She takes the binder with Lex's ideas in her other hand and moves back to her desk. Munching on her crackers, she looks through the drawings and notes. A sharp chime coming from her phone breaks her concentration and she casts her brother's notes aside to search for the origin of the sound. A few more chimes follow the first as she relocates some papers. Finally, she finds her phone, screen alight with a text message.

Kara Danvers


Kara Danvers

How did the meeting go?

Kara Danvers

Did you get more information?

Lena reads the texts, her heartbeat picking up a little at the fact that someone seems to be genuinely interested in her. And that someone being Kara.

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