Chapter 8

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Kara watches as the black car stops right in front of them and the driver gets out to open the car door for the passenger in the backseat. A slender leg is the first thing that exits the vehicle, followed by another one. A pair of high heels hit the curb as a hand is extended towards the driver. He takes the soft fingers in his hand with a professional look on his face. Kara's eyes trail from the heels up, taking in the legs and resting for a brief moment at the hem of the skirt that comes into sight. It's another tight pencil skirt, formfitting and tailored to precision. A dark red shirt with a wide v-neck is neatly tucked inside the skirt and a sophisticated gold necklace adorns her pale neck. Kara's eyes rise even further to look at the - very put together, might she add - CEO's face when an elbow hits her in her side.

"You're staring, Supergirl. Close your mouth." Alex chuckles.

Kara tears her eyes from the brunette to look at her sister.

"She's just." Kara starts. "Just-"

"So pretty?" Alex tries, but Kara replies with a shake of her head.

"No, different." She says as she tilts her head a little and looks Lena, who is now walking towards the aircraft they are on, over. "Not that she's not pretty. Because she is. She's always pretty. What?"

Kara shoots Alex a questioning look.

"Nothing." Alex says while trying to hide a snicker behind a cough.

Kara, however, doesn't seem to notice.

Kara hadn't seen Lena in full 'CEO-mode' since the Daxamite invasion and it looked strange now that she knew Lena hid so much behind it. She could see through the makeup and expensive clothes and see what truly hid behind it. A young woman who was insecure and had her own secrets. When Lena got close, Kara could see that the makeup didn't quite hide the circles beneath her eyes. She saw how Lena's shoulders were just a little too tense and how her back was stiff like she had a rod stuck up her shirt. Before Lena can notice Kara was assessing her, the hero alerts her eyes.

With a simple nod of her head and an "Agent Danvers, Supergirl", Lena boards the ship. Outwardly, Lena showed no signs of distress but Kara wouldn't be Supergirl, and Lena's best friend, if she doesn't pick up the slight increase of Lena's heartbeat as she walks inside.

They enter the main room of the space ship where Winn is tinkering with the control panel.

"Mr. Schott." Lena greets him, startling the tech nerd.

"Miss Luthor. H-hi." Winn replies. "You're here..."

He sneaks a look at his watch.

"Right on time. Right. Perfectly on time. The time you'd be here. Yes." Winn says.

He drops a screwdriver and knocks an array of tools off a tray when trying to walk around the control panel and mutters some things to himself. A red color creeps up his neck and ears as he beads down to pick up everything. Kara stifles a laugh at the dorkiness of her friend, who was clearly too caught up in his tinkering to notice how fast time ticked by.

"Mr. Schott, would you show Miss Luthor the fear devices and extensive we haven't figured out yet?" Alex says with a stern voice.

Winn immediately drops all the tools he's holding back on the tray and walks over to one side of the room. Lena and both Danvers sisters follow him as he starts talking.

"We know this." Winn presses a button and a door slides open. "Is used to open the door."

He points at the now open door to strengthen his, already obvious, statement.

"Some others we know too. But we can't figure out these two consoles." Winn says, gesturing vaguely at a panel.

Lena walks up to the console and thoroughly investigates it. Winn grabs his tablet to start making notes.

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