Chapter 10

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Kara has tried to contact Lena, but she won't respond to texts and Kara doesn't want to barge in as Supergirl. Lena needs her friend.

Kara fights the urge to fly to Lena's balcony and force the CEO to leave her company.

Alex keeps telling her to give Lena some time. She might not realize a friend is what she needs right now. Kara doesn't want to hear it. Lena does need a friend, and Kara is going to be that friend.

She breaks away from Alex, who's still trying to talk her out of it. Her legs carry her to L-Corp, to the elevator which brings her to the top floor and before she realizes she's walking towards the door of Lena's office with Jess trailing behind her. She has to give the girl credit for trying to keep her away. Apparently, Lena has temporarily revoked Kara's privilege of being let in anytime she desires.

"Miss Luthor doesn't want to be bothered. By anyone. That includes you." Jess tries to tell Kara as she hurries to keep Kara from entering Lena's office.

Kara simply uses a little super speed and is inside the office before Jess can tell her off again. A shocked Jess is left to rush in after her, frantic apologies rolling off her lips.

Lena looks up, startled by the sudden intrusion and takes in the sight in front of her. With a wave of her hand and an "it's fine Jess, I get it. She's super fast." Lena dismisses her secretary and her eyes move back to the computer in front of her.

"Kara, now is really not the time. I have a PR fiasco to deal with." She says without so much as glancing at the blonde.

Kara shuffles her feet uneasily, not sure how exactly to start. Then she makes her decision that any way to start is better than just staring at the brunette while she keeps working. She's here to keep her from working.

"Lena." She starts, her hand unconsciously moving to adjust her glasses. "You could have been killed today. You should slow down and just take an easy day. Watch a movie. Read a book. Play a game. I don't know, anything you like but not work."

"I could have been killed, but since I'm here I clearly have not. Now Kara please, I really do need to make sure everything at the hospital is going okay. Besides, I'm fine. So, I don't see the need to stop working." Lena briefly glances up at Kara before looking intensely at the computer screen again.

Kara took in the stubborn CEO sitting at the big white desk before making a bold move. She walked towards the brunette's, standing behind her and in a swift motion tugged at the back of the chair. The move caused the startled brunette to be turned around and now facing Kara, without a screen in eyesight to distract her.

"Now you listen to me. You might think you're okay but someone tried to put a few holes in you and send you to wherever you believe people go when they die." Kara started with a stern voice.

Lena opened her mouth to object but Kara continued her lecture before she could utter a sound.

"So, you get your PR team to solve whatever the issue is here because you are not going to keep on working." Kara says.

Lena seemed to have given up arguing with Kara and the reporter's stern voice slipped to one of concern.

"Rao. Really, Lena, please just take the day off. Take a moment to breathe and take a small break from it all. You're always working and almost getting killed is a very good reason not to be working. You didn't even answer your phone or read a moment to breathe and take a small break from it all. You're always working and almost getting killed is a very good reason not to be working. You didn't even answer your phone or read any of my texts. I was worried, Lena. Please just go do something relaxing for once in a while." Kara told her friend who seemed to unexpectedly accept her words.

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