Chapter 18-Return to National City

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Lena woke slowly pulled from her dreams by the press of kisses against her shoulder moving up her neck to her jaw then slowly towards her mouth. Lena smiled turning her head that tiny bit to capture Kara's lips with her own.

Then she felt a hand moving between her legs.

"Are you going to-"

Lena moaned as Kara easily slid two fingers inside her.

"Wake you like this every morning?" Kara finished. "Probably only on our days off. You'd be too distracting when I have work to go to."

Kara's fingers moved at a steady teasing pace inside her. Lena gripped her pillow as she started rocking her hips trying to make Kara go faster. Kara indulged her for a minute her hand moving faster pressing in just the right place. Lena felt her orgasm building quickly. She spread her legs a little wider and gasped as Kara changed the position of her hand ever so slightly.

"Yes." Lena moaned. "Faster."

"Are we in a rush this morning?" Kara asked stilling Lena's hips easily with one hand as she slowly her hand lazily fucking her.

Lena whimpered her grip on the pillow tightening.

"We do have a flight to catch." She said.

Kara's hand stilled and Lena could help a small needy whine at that. She was getting so close.

"You're quite right Zrhemin we should get ready now so we're not late."

Suddenly Kara's hand was gone. Lena's eyes widened and she quickly rolled over. She watched a smirking Kara get off the bed.

"We've got time." Lena said. "A few minutes won't make much difference in our overall flight time."

Kara gives her a bright smile.

"Are you sure? I wouldn't want you to get a fine of-"

"Kara!" She whined.

Kara grinned.

"Yes Lena?"

Lena did her best impression of Kara's pout.

"Was there something you wanted from me?" Kara asked. "If you want something you need to ask for it."

Lena narrowed her eyes at Kara.

"I'm starting to think you've been getting too cocky over this last week."

Kara's smile got bigger.

"Kara Zor-El Danvers-Luthor, you get back in this bed and you finish fucking me right now." Lena ordered.

Kara's eyes widened and a moan escaped as she dived back on the bed her hand returning to it's previous work between Lena's legs. Lena sighed and then tugged Kara closer to kiss her as her hand moved faster.

Lena broke the kiss panting as her head fell back and her hips rolled upwards to meet Kara's fingers. Kara moaned softly.

"I cannot wait until after aos is born and I can do this with a strap on." She whispered.

Lena clung tighter to her feeling her orgasm suddenly very close as she pictured it.

"Oh fuck-"

"Will you ride me if I ask nicely?" Kara asked kissing her way down Lena's neck then sucking hard on one nipple.

"Yes. Yes I'll-"

Kara bites down a little and Lena moaned loudly.

"Kara - Kara-"

"Do you want to ride me?" Kara asked her voice maddeningly gentle as she kissed her way over to the other nipple.

"Yes! Fuck yes I want to ride you." Lena said quickly.

Season 3 Supergirl Lena Versus The Universe Where stories live. Discover now