Chapter 19-Mon-El

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There was a long moment stunned silence as they all stared at him. Lena  was gripping ara's hand tighter and tighter as they all stared at Mon-El. Mon-El apparently not picking up on the tension kept talking.

"I've done a bunch of soul searching over the last few months and, I'm a changed man. I'm here to be the man you and the baby needs." Mon-El said.

Lena forced herself to turn and look at Kara who was glaring at Mon-El evidently furious.

Well that's all very good for you." Kara snapped. "But I've moved on with someone else and-"

"I heard." Mon-El said drawing himself up a little to stand taller. "I'm sorry you felt a need to do that but I'm back." He looked at Lena. "Thanks for covering Lena but it's okay. I can take it from here."

"Fuck off!" Lena yelled rising angrily to her feet.

How dare he come marching back and try to take everything from her. Mon-El actually looked surprised at her outburst. Then he actually took a step back as he saw Kara had risen with her.

A stream of Kryptonian too rapid for Lena to fully understand burst from Kara in a tirade of increasing volume. Lena was barely able to pick up what were apparently the key words months, gone, married, and failure.

When Kara took a step towards Mon-El held up his hands taking another step back and then he started arguing back just as quickly.

Time, support, father, father, married, father, time, think, think, father, baby, baby, baby, my baby.

Lena's whole body tensed at the last one not even listening as Kara yelled back her voice rising. There was a knock on the door and they all fell suddenly silent. Winn cautiously moved around Kara and Mon-El as a second knock sounded and then he was opening the door.

"Mrs. Hopper were we too loud I'm so sorry-"

Lena stopped listening as she looked at Kara her eyes were glowing red as she glared at Mon-El.

"Hey so maybe we should end game night early." James said cautiously getting up and moving between Kara and Mon-El.

Alex gives Lena a look from her place on the couch one hand on her gun. Lena nodded reaching up to place a hand on Kara's shoulder. Kara's head whipped around to stare at her so fast Lena didn't even see a blur of movement. The glowing disappeared as Kara looked at her with a very sad expression.

"Maybe we should head home." Lena said gently wrapping one arm around Kara's waist.

Kara nodded and Lena felt Kara melt into her arms a little. Lena shot a glare at Mon-El as she carefully guided Kara around him to the door. Kara was tense as they walked downstairs and a confused Frank pulled up. Lena shook her head subtly as he moved to get out. She opened the car door and Kara got in.

"Home please Frank." Lena said.

Frank nodded and Lena turned to look at Kara. She was playing with her engagement ring twisting it angrily in her fingers.

"The nerve!" Kara suddenly yelled.

Frank earned his ridiculous paycheck when the only sign of his surprise at the sudden outburst was the slightest tensing of his body and a quick check in the mirror.

"He runs away for months and then comes back expecting me to just forgive him and-"

Kara made a loud frustrated noise pulling off the engagement ring then it shot back onto her finger. Lena nodded rubbing Kara's arm in a hopefully soothing manner as she watched Kara's hands. Over and over she squeezed the ring then pulled it off then called it back as she continued to rant.

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