Chapter 20-Don't Pay

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Kara was feeling "a bit sensitive" at least according to James. Considering she'd nearly cried after he offered her a brownie it was likely a fair assessment. Her morning had started well she'd woken first, thank you aos, and then taken full advantage of that to carefully wake Lena with increasingly passionate kisses then an orgasm and probably a few too many extra kisses to be normal but after missing the sighs Lena needed reassurance the night before Kara wanted to make absolutely sure that Lena was aware of just how much she loved her.

Lena had of course picked up on this after the fifth good morning kiss but certainly hadn't complained. Then there had been a small moment of completely shameless pleading on Kara's part when Lena emerged from the closet for her to cancel work for them both so Kara could stay in bed with Lena and her sexy boss lady suit.

Lena had smiled and promised to make it up to her later before adding a reminder about how Kara needed to go to work to finish her series on the proposed revisions to the alien amnesty act before they were set to go to the senate next week.

Kara sighed as she sat at her desk to continue typing up her final article. It was more of a key points article summing up everything else she'd written a month ago but still, it was work. This was also the one set to go in the print edition instead of online. At least she had donuts to help her. Alex had dropped CatCo first thing with them to check in that she and Lena were okay. An action Kara would allow herself to think on later.

Kara angrily rubbed her face trying to rid herself of the dread that had taken up a place somewhere in her stomach since Mon-El's return. She forced herself to finish a couple of paragraphs about the glaring holes in the amendment to the marriage act. She was contemplating a polite way to say 'complete incompetence' when she noticed her colleagues falling quiet. There was silence around her as a shadow fell over her desk.

Kara sighed. A part of her already knew who would be standing in front of her even before she looked.

"Go away." She said glaring up at Mon-El.

He held up his hands.

"That's new, you really must have done some introspection." She muttered turning back to her article.

"I realize my approach last night was probably... wrong." Mon-El said.

Kara snorted.

"So you came to me at my place of work, to interrupt my workday, and speak to me about it in front of all my co-workers. You're not really improving much on that approach." She said.

She waved a hand to indicate that everyone was staring at them.

"I wanted it to be public so you well-" He chuckled softly. "So you wouldn't melt my face off."

Kara glared at him. He quickly became serious again.

"Look." He took a deep breath. "I meant it when I said I wanted to improve things. I have changed and I want to be-"

"I suggest you choose your next words very carefully." Kara said feeling the edges of her heat vision coming in.

"Kara I love you and-"

Kara barely resisted snarling at him as she felt her eyes burn.

"I know some things have changed." He added quickly. "And I know I have a lot to make up for but-"

"First of all!" Klaus yelled standing up angrily. "You fucking ran away."

There was a lot of shocked faces as the f word coming out of her mouth but she didn't care.

"For four months! Without a word. You do not get to just come back and decide you're ready now. Secondly I am married to Lena. I love her! I love her more than I ever loved you. She is my favorite person in the whole world and I have never been happier than I am with her. So understand I really mean it when I say I don't want you. I didn't even want you when I first found out I was pregnant. I got the positive result and almost immediately realized I didn't want to do it with you. I was expecting you to be involved to some degree but, again, you ran away. For months! With no way to contact you, after just being told I was pregnant."

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