Chapter 21-No

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Lena looked at Mon-El. She really wanted to. Every part of her Luthor upbringing was screaming at her to do it, and to negotiate it down to 100 million. She could have the paperwork and NDA in the space of hours and with a few signatures Mon-El would never be a problem for her again. It would be easy....

"Don't pay him a cent."

She looked at Mon-El directly in the eye and said one word.


Mon-El gives her a confused look.

"So you're not going to pay me to go away?" He asked.

"No Mon-El I'm not." Lena said with a sigh. "If you really you want to be a part of the aos' life then you can. As much as I dislike your presence personally you do have the right to be a part of their life if you want. I am not my brother, or my father, and so I am not going to pay to make my problems go away." Lena sighed heavily and sat down once more. "And despite what you may want me to think, I trust Kara and I... I believe her when she says she loves me."

She saw the moment of hesitation on Mon-El's face. He seemed to be trying to think of something to say. She didn't want to hear it. She glanced at Singer and he came forward again a low whistle coming from him as he looked at Mon-El. Mon-El looked at Singer then her and finally left.

Singer turned to Lena and she forced a smile.

"I'll be heading home directly after this meeting." She said.

Singer nodded and Lena picked up her phone sending Kara a message letting her know Mon-El had come by. Then the call came through and she had to work. It was thankfully short. They were able to get a confirmation to go ahead and the necessary approvals were given. Half an hour later she was able to close everything down and collect her bag. As she was exiting her email one subject line caught her eye.

Your package is on it's way.

Lena frowned looking at the email. She had no memory of ordering anything, and she certainly wouldn't have used her work email for it if she had. She decided to ignore it. There was probably a simple explanation. She'd have Jess to look at it tomorrow.

Shutting down her computer Lena nodded to Singer and headed for the door with him following.

Fifteen minutes later she walked into her kitchen and was immediately wrapped in a tight hug from Kara. Lena smiled and tilted her head up to get a kiss that quickly grew more heated as her tongue found it's way into Kara's mouth and her hands pulled her closer.

"Someone's happy to see me." Kara whispered.

Lena smiled before capturing Kara's mouth in another kiss. Kara seemed quite happy to let her keep going as they headed towards the hallway. Lena remembered Alex and Maggie and glanced around looking for them. Kara apparently read her mind.

"They fell asleep an hour ago and I tucked them into the spare room furthest from yours."

Lena smiled and went back to kissing Kara her hands wandering under the t-shirt moving higher as they got closer to their bedroom. Kara gently broke the kiss.

"Okay so I am so down for this, but can we maybe do it in the bath because my back I killing me." Kara said.

Lena immediately stepped back a wave of guilt hitting her as she looked at her wife. Kara had clearly been in bed before she arrived and the first thing she did when she got home to her heavily pregnant wife was push for sex.

"Yes of course." Lena said. "We don't have to if you don't-"

Kara silenced her with a kiss.

"Good." Kara said smiling at her. "I want to see how long I can hold my breath for while I'm pregnant, and that pool you call a bath means I can do it in comfort. I bet I can get you off at least twice before needing to come up for air."

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