Chapter 22-Deliveries

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Kara was having a great last day of work. Well not last last day but last day for a year. She'd already finished her articles and was mostly spending her time accepting well wishes from her colleagues and a few small gifts. She was also avoiding Aiden from sports as he kept trying to get in his final opportunity to 'feel the baby'. She'd gotten good at dodging accounting like the plague because Nannette would put her hands on her stomach and say how she was getting nice and fat.

James had joined her for lunch and got to feel aos kick. Kara had enjoyed the sudden widening of his eyes as he looked at her stomach. His almost childlike glee at the moment had given her a smile that lasted a good hour. The smile had gotten bigger after James told her there would be an afternoon tea to celebrate her leaving, with a triple layer chocolate cake. It was almost three so she was counting down the minutes until cake as she sent Alex cat pictures while pretending to be working.

Of course Mon-El chose to arrive at 2:59. She knew he was there the moment the elevator doors opened. Kara watched him approach with a silent glare. Her co-workers saw him then all quickly looked away. Kara rose and glared at him as he walked right up to her with a large manila envelope and a determined look.

She didn't bother with pleasantries when he stopped in front of her.


He slapped the envelope down on her desk.

"I'm suing her for my rights as the father." He declared.

Kara looked from the envelope to Mon-El momentarily bewildered. Then the words caught up and she felt her anger rise in a sudden wave.

"What do mean you're suing?" She demanded. "Did it not occur to you to just ask?"

"I warned Lena."

Kara glared at Mon-El.

"You mean she didn't pay you a ridiculous sum of money to go away. Funny about that, almost like you couldn't convince her that I don't love her so you could profit."

"I'll see you in court." Mon-El said turning around.

"I highly doubt that." Kara said glaring at Mon-El's retreating back.

James stepped into Mon-El's path putting a hand on his shoulder to stop him.

"Mon-El, this is not how you get what you want." James said giving him a concerned look.

Mon-El looked at James for a moment then shook his head.

"I'm up against a Luthor." Mon-El said. "If I don't do this then I risk my baby. I know you suspect her too."

Kara's head snapped around and she glared at Mon-El her heat vision itching at the edge of her eyes.

"What do you mean?" James asked frowning at Mon-El.

"You know what." Mon-El muttered. "She's a Luthor and my baby isn't human."

James froze. Kara glared at him. James tried to say something else but Mon-El just pushed past him heading for the elevators. Kara looked down at the envelope and quickly ripped it open to remove the legal papers. She used her superspeed to read them. Her eyes widened as he got to the end and her hands shook.

"Motherfucker!" She yelled.

Everyone turned to her alarmed. Kara turned breathing heavily looking for something anything she could. Her eyes fell on a large mostly empty desk and with one hand she picked it up sending the half dozen papers on it flying as she stood there breathing heavily as James gives her a panicked look.

There was absolute silence in the office as everyone stared at her then the heavy wooden desk in her hand. With a considerable force of will she dropped it ignoring the loud crash sound. Kara was working very hard to stop her eyes from lighting up. How dare he-

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