Chapter 23

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Jeers of laughter. Muttered insults.

Henry wondered why his friends always insisted that they continue to play basketball on that particular court, when there was always that other group of guys. A group of guys they had gone to school with, and Henry had never liked. Not one tiny bit.

When they had arrived to play their own game, Henry had noticed they all seemed more animated than usual. He had found himself watching them curiously, wondering what they were up to.


The cry came seconds before the ball bounced off his head, knocking him off balance. Taking a few steps to steady himself, Henry looked up at his friends, a dopey grin on his face as he rubbed his head.

"Sorry." He chuckled.

His friends laughed.

"Daydreaming a bit? About Lily and her wonderful legs?" Declan teased.

"Shove off." Henry replied, punching Declan's shoulder lightly.

The other guys laughed; teasing each other about their girlfriends were a regular occurrence.

"I know what I'm dreaming about!" Someone yelled from the other court.

Turning around, Henry found Chris, the pseudo 'leader' of the other guys, walking towards them.

"What would that be, Chris?" Henry asked coolly, drawing himself up to his full height.

"Being the one that got your sister pregnant... that is one fine piece of ass-"

Before he could finish, Henry had swung a hard punch square into Chris' face knocking the other man off his feet. Without even hesitating, he dragged Chris up off the ground, ignoring the yells of the other guys as he slammed him into the nearby brick wall.

"Don't you dare talk about my sister like that!" He growled, his hands wrapping around the base of Chris' neck. "You fucking disrespectful pig!"

Two sets of hands grabbed Henry from behind, dragging him away from Chris and holding him tightly until he stopped fighting.

"What if someone talked about your sister like that?" Henry spat.

Chris shrugged. "They wouldn't dare."

"Well, don't you dare-"

"Just leave him, Henry, he's not worth it!" Sam exclaimed. "He's just being a dickhead, nothing new."

Henry swatted their hands away, turning and walking away from the commotion.

"I'm going home." He called angry over his shoulder, grabbing his jacket from the side of the court as he walked towards the road.

He hated that guy. Absolutely despised him.

It had been a slightly awkward silence at first. Neither of them knew how to start what they wanted to say to each other.

But eventually, words fell to them.


"I know... we said that a relationship between us would never work." Haven said softly, looking up into Connor's eyes. "But..."

Trailing off, she found herself not able to find the words she needed. As she took a deep breath, Connor reached out, taking her hand in his and stroking the back of it with his thumb.

"I still have feelings for you." Haven whispered. "I thought at first... it was just because of this baby... but the more I think about, the more real I realize they are. That day at your house... all I could think of was how I wanted us to be a couple and how I wanted to spend more days than just that one in your arms. I don't know, Connor, it's like... despite all this craziness and all this huge stuff going on, I feel calmer when I'm with you."

Squeezing Haven's hand, Connor reached across the table, brushing her hair out of her eyes.

"I still have feelings for you too, Haven. I never stopped. You're so unbelievably gorgeous and I thought I was crazy for just letting us drop the relationship like that." He admitted.

Haven smiled softly. "I think... we jumped too fast into thinking that this would never work purely because we're so young. I mean, I know most people don't have high school relationships that last, but we're having a baby. We can make it work, we just have to fight for it a little more."

Connor nodded. "We can. And I want to make it work, Haven, because you're amazing, and I care about you... and I think I'm in love with you."

Haven's heart leapt into her throat as a happy smile crossed her face. A flush of pink covered her cheeks as she looked up at Connor again.

"You don't have to say it if you're not ready or don't feel the same." Connor said quickly, his sweet dopey smile crossing his face. "I just wanted you to know how I feel."

Haven had to smile as they made to rise from the table. Her hand naturally found his second she was on her feet.

"Thank you." She said softly, leaning into his side as they exited the café and headed back down the street to Connor's car.

Connor let's go of her hand, lifting his arm around her shoulders as they walked in comfortable silence. It felt so natural, they fit together so perfectly, that Haven allowed herself to fall into her daydream that she had so enjoyed in recent weeks.

A daydream of her and Connor. With their little baby girl. Living in love and happiness.

'One day at a time.' She reminded herself silently tucking her free hand into her pocket as they reached the crosswalk.

One day at a time.

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