Part 1

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“Just a beer, please.” you order after taking a seat at the bar. “Actually, can you add a couple of shots of tequila?” The bartender nods.

    “Tough day?” Asks a mysterious girl a few seats down.

    “You could say that,” you look at the glass that she was stirring ice in. Judging by the low count of cubes, she had been sitting there for quite some time. “And you?” You nod to the glass. The girl frowns as she glances at the full and watered down beverage.

    “Stood up,” she admits with a shrug and a smile that hid her pain well.

    “You? I don’t believe that! Look at you!” You gesture to the dress and her well styled hair and the dark makeup that, in your opinion, made her look like a badass. “Whoever stood you up is clearly out of their mind. They have no idea on what they’re missing out on.”

    “How do you know I’m not a nightmare dressed like a daydream?”  She challenges, you laugh at the reference.

The bartender slides the three glasses to you. “Here, I think you need this.” You get out of your seat and hand the pretty girl the shot glass.

    “Oh no, I couldn't, I'm not much of a drinker.”

    “It’s just one. Trust me, you’ll forget about that guy who stood you up.” You tilt your head up as a thought enters your mind. “Or girl, whatever you’re into,” you shrug as you extend the drink out. The girl stares at the short glass as she considers her options then takes a deep breath.

“Screw it,” she takes the glass out of your hand and clinks the glasses together before the both of you down the shots. “Oh god, I regret that. I regret that so much.” She fans her pinched face with her hand after the tequila went down. You laugh and hand her the lime.

“Okay, I promise that I won’t make you do that ever again. I’m Y/n, by the way,” you hold your hand out for the pretty girl and when she takes it you notice her captivating eyes. Your heart stops and you know that you won’t be able to get her out of your head after this.

“Wanda,” she smiles and this time it’s genuine.

“Nice to meet you, Wanda.”

“It’s nice to meet you too, Y/n.”

“Tell me, do you always take shots from random strangers?” You tease as you take a sip of your beer. You were still standing by Wanda, waiting to be invited to sit next to her instead of being presumptuous.

Wanda laughs, “That probably wasn’t the smartest decision that I’ve made in the last twenty four hours. But hey, it wasn’t the dumbest.”

You raise an intrigued eyebrow. “Oh yeah? And what would you say was the dumbest?”

“Agreeing to a blind date,” she answers without hesitation. “I only get one perfect night a week off of work right now and I wasted it on a jerk that couldn’t even bother to send a text to cancel.”

“Well, hey, the night is still young. If you don’t want to call this a waste, I can make it fun for you. Only if you want my company, of course,” you offer.

Wanda checks the time on her watch and calculates in her head how much longer she has before she has to call it a night in order to get enough rest for class in the morning. “I suppose we can hang out for a few hours. Would hate to have to show up to work with a story that ends with ‘then I went home and adopted a cat online before crying myself to sleep,’” she jokes, which makes you let out a hearty laugh. She flushed with embarrassment and apologized  for saying too much. You tell her that it's okay and ask her if you can occupy the seat next to her. “Oh my gosh, yes! Please, sit.”

Reaching Out to The Stars (Wanda Maximoff x Reader AU)Where stories live. Discover now