Chapter 24

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"You ready to take our fake IDs and get totally wasted?"

Amber's question was so absurd that both JJ and Haven laughed.

"Yeah, absolutely Ambs. I'll wear the shortest dress I own." Haven replied sarcastically, giggling through her words.

JJ shook her head, grinning at the two girls. "Amber, sometimes you are so lucky I love you like you're my own child, because you as such a loose cannon."

Amber laughed, placing her hand over her heart. "Aw, I love you too JJ. You're like my second mom, who let's me get away with a tiny bit more."

"Like corrupting my child?" JJ teased.

Amber laughed, nodding in agreement.

Haven grinned, grabbing Amber's hand and pulling her towards her bedroom. "Come on crazy."

Getting Amber into her room, Haven shut the door behind them and flopped onto the bed. Amber sat down in Haven's beanbag chair, immediately grabbing one of the nearby stuffed toys and playing with its ears.

"So how far along are you now?" She asked, looking up from the toy at where Haven was sprawled across her bed.

"Nearly eighteen weeks. I can't believe it's been nearly two months since I found out." Haven replied.

"How's your dad now, is he okay?"

Haven shrugged. "He seems okay. I'm sure it still gets under his skin a fair bit, but he's trying his hardest to be supportive, and I can't really ask more of him than that."

Amber nodded. "Yeah. You're quite lucky actually, as your parents go. Your mom seems pretty cool about it these days."

Sitting up, Haven shook her head. "She is taking it well, but it still stresses her out. She's still kinda disappointed, and I don't really blame her to be honest. I'm sixteen and I'm gonna be a mom in like... four months. It's a big thing for all of us to adjust to."

"You should call the baby Amber the second."

Haven out laughing, one hand going to her stomach automatically.

"Or 'Haven's Demon Spawn'." Amber added, laughing through her words.

"You really are nuts." Haven chuckled, tipping her head down towards her stomach. "You hear that baby? Aunty Amber thinks you're Demon Spawn."

Amber raised an eyebrow. "Come your due date, it's gonna be like Alien all up in your lady parts."

Haven snorted, leaning back against her cushions as she wrapped her arms around her stomach. "Like I said... you're nuts."

"Just a little." Amber agreed. "You love me though."

Haven laughed.

"Yes, yes I do."

Amber had left hours before, but Haven was still sitting up in a last ditch attempt to plod through some of her homework. Physics, math, and English were just some of the subjects she had ended up with a backlog of homework for.

As she was flipping through her math book, she heard a light knock at her door. Frowning at her book, she glanced at her watch. It was quarter to one; Henry was the only one usually awake at this hour, but she could hear the faint sounds of his PlayStation warbling through their shared wall.

"Come in." She called, never looking up from her work.

Hearing whoever it was come into the room, she looked up when she heard the click of the door latch behind them.

Realizing it was her dad, she slowly closed the books, pushing them to one side. "Dad?"

Will smiled, crossing the room slowly and taking a seat on the edge of Haven's bed. "Hey kiddo."

Glancing at the clock, Haven frowned. "It's nearly one in the morning... you're normally asleep by now."

Will nodded. "I know. So are you. But I noticed you were still awake, and I thought maybe we could have a little chat."

Haven swallowed nervously. She hoped she wasn't about to get another sex talk. That had been awkward enough at age thirteen.

And clearly it hadn't worked very well either.

"About what?"

"Just... everything that's been going on. Your mom told me that you and Connor have decided to try and make a relationship work." Will replied, playing with a loose thread on Haven's bedspread.

Sighing in relief, Haven nodded. "Yeah... we just wanted to try and make it work... there was never really a reason as to why we didn't work."

"Relationships are hard enough work when you're an adult without a child. I think it's a very mature thing you two are doing... I just hope you really are taking it seriously... because you have enough going on. I'd hate to see you end up with a broken heart." Will said softly.

His words touched Haven to the point where her eyes grew bright with tears. Cursing her pregnancy hormones, she swallowed thickly, looking up at her dad.

"We are. We want this to work more than anything."

Will nodded, satisfied with Haven's answer.

"One other thing, sweetheart. I know I've been a bit... silent on the matter at hand. Your mom and I are still in a little bit of shock at the fact that you're pregnant, which I hope you understand."

Haven nodded.

"We may even still be a little disappointed. But overall... we've seen how you've handled everything so far with grace and maturity. You've made some pretty big decisions, and you've thought very carefully about each one. And that makes your mom and I so incredibly proud of you. We might've been very angry when you told us... but we've never stopped loving you, and since that day, you've just made us so proud to call you our daughter."

Choking back a sob, Haven couldn't get a word out. Instead, she shuffled closer to Will, wrapping her arms around his neck and burying her face in his shoulder.

Will chuckled. "Did I make you cry, kiddo?"

"Yeah." Haven said tearfully. "I love you Dad. Thank you."

Smiling, Will wrapped his arms around his daughter, kissing her temple and holding her close. "I love you too sweetheart. So much."

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