Chapter 29-Superbaby

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Kara felt a rush as she flew through the air and into the fire to the trapped firefighter blowing out the flames with her freeze breath as she went. She heard the excited yells of the firefighters outside. She reached the surprised firefighter and quickly grabbed him from under the collapsed wall flying him out and leaving him by the truck before she went back in and worked to bring the rest of the fire under control from the inside.

She flew out after extinguishing the last of the flames and went to check on the firefighter she'd taken out. He was sitting by the truck an oxygen mask in place and another firefighter checking a small burn on his face.

"Hey there." She said smiling at him. She did a quick scan of his body with her X-Ray Vision. "Just so you know, you have a fracture on your right tibia that will need medical attention."

There was a laugh from some of the other firefighters.

"Already back at work?" One of them asked.

Kara smiled at him.

"I got the all clear yesterday and Naomi's asleep at the moment so when I heard your buddy here got trapped I thought I'd just drop in and lend a hand."

There was another laugh from the firefighters.

"How's Naomi?" Another asked.

Kara smiled at him giving the full megawatt double dimple smile. He seemed a little dazed to be on the receiving end of it.

"I love her so much." Kara said.

There was a lot of smiles from the firefighters in response.

"She apparently hates going down for a nap and I haven't gotten through a single day without being covered in something she's expelled in one way or another."

There was another round of laughter from the firefighters at that.

"How's Lena coping?" Another firefighter asked with a smile.

Kara's smile in return was almost radiant.

"She's amazing. Everytime I see them together my heart just melts it's-" She heard Naomi start crying. "And she's awake again. Sorry everyone, I gotta go."

She took off once more the firefighters laughter following her as she flew back into the penthouse. Eliza was halfway across the lounge when she arrived.

"I've got her." Kara said smiling at Eliza.

Eliza smiled back and sat down again. Kara sped out of her suit and walked over to the crib where Naomi was making a lot of unhappy noises.

"Hello Inah." She said reaching in and picking her up. "Awake already? You've barely slept."

Naomi made a few small noises as Kara checked she was still dry and carried her back into the lounge.

"I just saved a man from a fire. He was trapped but I flew in and saved him, and put out the fire." Kara said.

Naomi made a series of noises wriggling in her arms. As usual the moment she woke she was hungry. Kara sighed as she undid her bra and settled Naomi.

"She certainly got your appetite." Eliza said smiling at her.

"I'm starting to worry even my regenerative powers may not be enough to feed her." Kara said with a sigh. "She wants to eat constantly."

Eliza chuckled as she picked up her book again. Kara smiled looking down at her daughter.

"And yet we still have a two month supply in the fridge."

"Only because I refuse to be the only one feeding her." Kara muttered looking back at her daughter. "Inahte, you are a bottomless pit, and I don't have the time to spend all day being your personal milk machine."

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