Chapter 1

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At the beginning of the school term there'd been an announcement in the school newsletter asking for parent helpers to assist with the end-of-year dance concert. Whenever there was a callout for parent helpers with any activity that Elizabeth Lance was involved in, Ava was first to volunteer. What now seemed like ages ago, at the beginning of the school year Elizabeth had decided she wanted to do ballet classes, which were conveniently offered after school in the school hall, and Sara and Ava were only too happy for Elizabeth to take part, which was why Ava was now, on the final Saturday of term, getting ready to go with Elizabeth to the local theatre two hours before the afternoon's performance, to make sure they were there nice and early, and with plenty of time for Ava to help all the little children in Elizabeth's class, consisting of children in Reception and Year 1, get into their costumes.

As she was getting ready to go, Ava heard Rosie screaming with laughter and smiled to herself, wondering what on earth was happening to cause that most joyous sound. She peered into Rosie's room and saw Rosie, half-dressed, rolling around on the changing table with Sara in front of her, Rosie's socks on Sara's hands.

"Is this where these go? On here?" Sara asked, tickling Rosie with her sock-covered fingers.

Rosie squealed with laughter.

"Mine!" She called, trying to grab at Sara's hands while Sara tickled her.

Though most of what Rosie said was still gibberish at best, she was slowly adding more and more words to her vocabulary, which Ava documented and found endlessly amazing. Twelve months ago Rosie had only just been able to say "mama". Now she had about a dozen words, and Ava knew that was about to expand exponentially.

"Yours?" Sara asked with a big smile, teasing and tickling Rosie again. "These are yours, Rosie Ava? Are you sure? Are you sure?"

Ava grinned. Fearsome assassin Sara Lance entertaining their toddler with socks on her hands was something that at one stage Ava never would have thought she'd see, but since they'd become moms nearly three years ago, scenes like this occurred multiple times a day. The reason for Rosie getting a complete change of clothes in the early afternoon was that being the little Houlini that she was, Rosie had somehow managed to remove the lid from her sip cup, something that toddlers were not supposed to be able to do according to the designer, and empty the water inside all over herself, warranting the costume change.

"Babe." Ava said. "Lizzie and I are about to go."

"Yep, one sec." Sara said, getting the socks onto Rosie's feet, and a pair of floral-print leggings over her legs and diaper before Rosie could quite understand what was happening. Sara scooped Rosie up and onto her hip. "All right. Mommy Ava and Lizzie have a dance concert to go to."

"Please don't be late." Ava said, as they went downstairs.

"Babe, please." Sara said with a gentle smile, sensing Ava's nerves. "I'm coming with the rest of the team. There is no way any of us are going to be late to Lizzie's first ballet concert. So long as Gwyn and Alun are here on time for babysitting Rosie, which they will be, then everything will be fine."

Ava took a deep breath, hoping that it really would be and trying not to let her nerves get the best of her. It might be Elizabeth's first time on stage, but in a way, it was Ava's first ballet concert too.

They entered the large open-living-dining kitchen area which was at the back of their London townhouse. Sara sets Rosie down, and Rosie waddled over to the toy shelves, undoubtedly about to make a mess, and Ava tried not to worry about that, either. She was trying very hard to teach Rosie some pick-up games to help her keep things tidy, though she had a feeling that Rosie was still a little bit young to understand why putting the Duplo back in the box could be just as much of a fun game as scattering it all over the place.

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