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Siyeon never has been interested in dancing, damn it, she never even tried to dance before, yet again, she was remaining in this studio dance class tutored by an exceptionally appealing lady Kim Bora, or SuA, which she utilized as her stage name.

None of Siyeon's friends comprehended the reason why she joined the dance class when every last bit of her other lectures is generally zeroing in additional on vocals and instruments.

But the moment her eyes captured the small teacher, it felt like her mind and heart were chained to her, and her only, which was not really positive for her studies and education. And furthermore, if considering the way that the impending tests were knocking on Siyeon's door soon... She was in some hot water.

The first lesson was such a mess for Siyeon, but Miss Bora was so kind and friendly, she explained the moves over and over again before she understood it. And Siyeon felt so appreciative for that. In the second and third lessons, she still felt so nervous and worried, but the dance mentor could cope with that situation as well.

As for the fifth lesson... Siyeon started to doubt her increasing heartbeat and her trembling hands whenever meeting her teacher, which felt a lot confusing for her, but the feeling that melts into her heart when miss Sua smiles, or even just looks at her is incomparable.

- Okay guys! Do you have every one of the drops down so we could continue on retaining the subsequent stages of the movement? - Bora acquired all of the students' attention toward her, clasping her hands together. Siyeon wanted to say that one of the moves seemed quite hard for her and uncertainly held her hand above her shoulder, but as soon as she heard other students cheering, showing that every move was easy to learn for them, Siyeon let her hand down quickly, hoping that no one saw her.

But of course, it did not stay unnoticed by her mentor.

- Yes, Siyeon? I saw you, do you have any problems with the previous dance moves? - Bora asked with an endearing smile. Siyeon looked around, feeling burdened and embarrassed by all of the dancers' laughing eyes as if making fun of her.

- Um... Yes, actually. The part where we have to turn our body to the left and hold our leg up.. - Siyeon spoke up in her most quiet and low range.

- Yeah, the pre-chorus - Sua nodded her head, Telling the shy student to continue.

- I... I uh, I cannot stretch my leg fully and it just looks really awkward - Her voice was getting endlessly lower with each word, and her face went to full ruby-red when a couple of students began to snicker, covering their mouths with hands. Yet, they soon halted, getting lethal glares from their dance mentor was scary enough to persuade them to shut up.

- It really is a hard part, and I'm actually not fully believing that all of you guys can do it perfectly unlike Miss Siyeon. - Bora stated while staring at the students who laughed seconds prior - Come here Siyeon, show me how you do it.

Sua turned around and faced the mirror while waiting for Siyeon to walk closer to her. The young girl took a few nonconfident steps, standing next to her teacher, who let out a chuckle at Siyeon standing like a meter away from her. While the latter was so close to having a panic attack. The pressure was just too much.

But she still did what she was told to and started dancing the confusing part, while her teacher started counting and clapping her hands to the rhythm. She was good from the start, there were a few flaws but most importantly, the choreography was on point. But as soon as she started turning around, she almost fell, failing to raise her leg in the air and lost the beat. One guy broke into a major laugh, making Siyeon regret ever saying about her struggled dance move. Bora overlooked him, strolling nearer to Siyeon

Dance Of Your Heart - SuayeonWhere stories live. Discover now