Current identity

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Age: 16, 17 later this year.
name: Teddy
Pronouns: they/he/she
Identity: Agender
Sexuality: queer, demisexual
I'm currently studying and my future plans is to get into fashion school. I'm also in therapy, and waiting to get my diagnosis.
Things i like:fashion, art, plushies, decorating, boba, the color blue <3
Honestly I don't know what I'm doing and I know that if I think too much about it I will have an identity crisis, so moving on.
I won't be specific about where i live for obvious reasons, but it's northern europe. A side effect of where i live is being able to speak 4 languages. So thats nice hehe.
The main reason i'm writing here is because i recently moved schools since i graduated. Me and my friends went to the same school, and though i haven't admitted it i chose this school because they chose it. And that backfired. I thought i wouldn't have to struggle finding friends but instead i lost the ones i already had and i don't even know the reason. I should've realized it was going to happen when they stopped initiating plans and started using me as a tool to rant to, like i didn't need support too. My issues were always pushed aside and i have a hard time admitting that i like affection and i think my love language is touch. The thing is i already felt different and when i started being treated like that it only confirmed those feelings. This is getting depressing. I still have one friend, she goes to a different school butshe lives seconds away from me. The difference between her and my old friends is drastic. She listenes and laughes at my jokes and takes my perspective seriously. She treats me like someone important to her.
In a weird way i'm happier now that they're out of my life. I feel less out of control and i feel as if i know who i am and i don't constantly question my judgement. Also i've realized that i don't give a flying fuck about what they think, cus i'm stylish and fucking hillarious. I no longer have to deal with people who think fat is an insult or think it's okay to say the r-slur. I am infact calling out a specific person. She : doesn't respect neopronouns, doesn't respect my pronouns and she's a part of the community, she says the r-slur, says it's annoying that now adays you have to try to not appropriate cultures, insults people as a joke and sees herself only in the best light.
So life is great, well not really.

Song : Penny - Alexis Rice

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