Mi-Noo: The Foreigner

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Note: if the text is like this "Hello!" means the person is talking in Japanese

While normal text is Korean

Mi-Noo POV

After I walked out of that damned place I walked outside it was raining, I didn't care as it felt good just the feeling of the raindrops pouring over my body I kept walking until I reached my destination my dorm, I just cried and cried till I sleep.


I waked up for class I ate my breakfast and took a bath and started walking to school I tried my best to not cross paths with Sae-Hyun and Ji-A, After all of that the lectures started I tried my best to not let my mind wonder of to what happened yesterday I felt like I was already dead after I couple of lectures it was already lunch time.

"Yo Mi-Noo You ok bud"

I looked at the person who asked it was Subin Jun a close friend of mine 

"It's nothing Subin I'm alright" I did my best to lie but it seems it was flat out obvious

"Dude everyone is worried about you"

I looked around the room and everyone gave me worried glances, ever since I started being in this school I became close with everyone in this class close enough like family 

"I'm alright everyone don't worry about me" 

"Alright if you say so, You wanna go grab lunch" Subin asked me

"If your gonna treat me then sure" I tried acting like my previous self 

"Fine damn you but you'll treat me next time!" 

"Sure sure" Everyone started to laugh I was satisfied with that they shouldn't know what happened 

"Do you guys mind if we join ya" Everyone asked us 

"Sure as long you guys treats yourselves" Subin said to them as he drags me along with him and everyone followed, I really like this class, I like this family of mine

We we're all eating happily making jokes even though we all just met like 2 weeks ago we're all this close already huh, I have to fake it, I have to not let them see, I just can't let them see me in pain.

After 20 minutes have passed we all went back to out dorms we all said we'll all hang out together after we change in to some normal clothes.

We all met back at the lobby and we all first went to an amusement park we all tried the roller coaster first, Subin was not on board with that, so...... we forced him, it was enough to say that he was screaming all the way after we all got out of the roller coaster we looked so wiped out

after that we went to another extreme ride like the fatal fall and this time Taejin wasn't on board with this one I guess he is afraid of heights, But Subin was getting none of it he forced to get in the ride just like he forced him to take the roller coaster 

after we all take a couple of rides we all got hungry so we all went to the famous fried chicken store that we all ate at they told me to find a a table for all of us we we're all 20 people so I got 2 table that could fit 10 people each and also there was a person next to the tables so Hope he doesn't mind

"Um excuse me sir I hope you don't mind sir me sitting next to you" I asked him

"what" he asked oh he's Japanese

"-Ahem- I hope you don't mind me sitting next to you sir" I said to him with my own Japanese

"Ohh No problem no problem at all" He said to me in Japanese, I nodded at him

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