Untitled Part 1

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"You didn't have to walk me home, Bucky. It's in the complete opposite direction of where you need to be." You tell him as he dutifully walks you up the steps to your apartment building.

"Are you kidding? My mother would be rolling in her grave if I let my date walk home by herself. She raised me better than that." He defends, raising a big hand to his chest. "And I'm right where I need to be, making sure my girl gets home safe." He nudges your arm playfully. "Besides, I get to spend more time with you this way."

"Those are all very good points."

He pulls open the heavy door for you and you step inside. You've only been dating Bucky a couple of months, but so far, he's the most amazing person you've ever met. Old world charm without being a creepy serial killer; a gentleman without assuming you need to give him something in return.

It's nice to be doted on just because.

He pushes the button for your floor and watches the numbers. You watch him. His long eyelashes, his perfectly sculpted profile, strong jaw, pouty lips. They twitch at the corners, but he doesn't take his eyes off the numbers. The creaking of the elevator stretches out the silence as it descends.

"You're staring." He points out.

"Am I? Oops." You shrug, still looking at him.

"Do I have something on my face?" He sighs.

"Why does there have to be anything wrong? Maybe I'm just watching so you don't disappear." You turn to face him.

Slowly, he twists his head to look at you, a frown tugging at his mouth now. "Disappear? And where exactly would I go?"

"Wherever it is that perfect men go when the dream ends." You lean against him with a smile.

"Y/N, I'm far from perfect." He shakes his head and you capture his face in your hands, having to rise up on your tiptoes.

"You have been everything I could have ever wished for. You're perfect for me."

He dips forward to kiss you softly and the doors ding open. He wraps his big arms around you and lifts you up, carrying you into the small box. You yelp in surprise and cling to his shoulders. He grins and sets you back against the wall, leaning down to kiss you again.

He's soft. So very soft and gentle with you. The cool metal of his left hand brushes down your cheek and his eyes search yours, the smile on his face growing with each passing second.

"What?" You ask quietly. "Do I have something on my face?"

He laughs quietly. "You're beautiful." He shakes his head. "No, I was just thinking about something." He says so casually.

"Care to share with the class, Barnes?" You tease.

"Well, I was just thinking that I love you." He says, turning around to face the doors.

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