The Tale Of Daisy & Jeff The Killer

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You Can Check Out The Narration Of This Story On My Channel "ASecretIHave" On Youtube.

Chapter 1

The grimy white sink slowly filled up as the water gushed out of the faucet. “Gooddammmnnn ittt” he snarled as he tried to rub the substance off this hands and his pale arms.

“What the fuck is this shit?” He had no idea what that girl threw on him as she tried to distract him. He hated killing women like that, granted, he loved to see a woman try to hide her weakness, but it was flat out annoying when they did it to him.

Just an hour earlier, he was in the corner of the classroom, examining her. Dragging his eyes up and down her. She was finishing packing up her schoolbooks and the homework she had to grade into an old tan leather bag.  He liked to look at them, before he kills, to take in a memory of some kind. The room was dark, it was around 8:30 or so. The left side of her body reflected the light coming in from the streetlight outside. He wondered why she had shut off the light so early, perhaps she liked the dark, just as he did. He decided it was time, he took a step, the tip of his boot coming out of the shadow. She froze in the middle of piling papers atop one another, like a deer in the headlights, as he continued to walk.

“sss, ahh” he laughed, “I love that look. The shocked, terrified look. What’s the matter? Ms… “ he paused to look for her name on a paper.

“Scarlet”. His already wide eyes seemed to grow even wider as she supplied her name for him.

“Ms. Scarlet..” he awed as his smile spread full length and slightly nodded his head.  It oddly reminded her of the cat in the stores of Alice in Wonderland, the book she just read to her children earlier in the day.

“What do you want? Is there something I could possibly help you with, even at this hour?.. And, and are you okay? Oh my, your face sir.. do you need a doctor?!” He looked at her, his eyebrows narrowed on her. His smile slipped into a scowl. His jaw was set and his grip growing tighter on the knife in his pocket as he took in her concerned face. He knew many people had pet peeves, his was the worried, sick, look on their faces when they saw how he looked.

“No ma’am, it’s late. You must be tired. You need not be concerned with my condition. YOU SHOULD WORRY ABOUT YOURS!” He leapt at her, she screamed as she fell back to the wood floor, the neck of her high heels snapping under her awkward weight. She spied her bag, she grabbed the handle dangling over the side of her desk. She jerked it down and a smooth, metal bottle rolled out. The man gripped her ankles and she could feel the pain from the pressure on her muscels grinding down into eachother. She twisted the bottle in her hands and pressed the top down while moving up to get her target. The man cursed and smacked the bottle out of her hands. He was momentarily blinded and his skin itched like he was having an allergic reaction. He struggled to slip the tip of his fingers under the belt to pull her body closer under him. Managing to do so, he slipped the knife through the teachers shirt and in between the ribs and thrusted inwards. The teacher screamed and her chest lifted off the ground trying to somehow get away from the pain. He moved to her ear, and as she continued to scream he whispered light and soft,

“Go to sleep, Ms. Scarlet”

She slowly faded away as he slit the skin on her neck. He was careful to make a straight clean line. The saying “Whatever you do, do to your best” whispered in his mind. He chuckled and smiled.

Her body made a smooth and thin wash of blood when being dragged down the hallway by the hair. Her neck grinded and sometimes cracked as he turned her violently in order to get her in the right position to stuff in the closet.  If one was listening, they would be able to hear the handle softly click, and the sound of his boots as he walked down the street lit hallway and the sound of the heavy thud as the school doors slammed behind him.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 13, 2013 ⏰

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