The Beginning of the End

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As we walked through the streets of Camelot I adjusted my little brother's hood pulling it up over his head like mine and my fathers were, adjusting it to make sure his face was hidden beneath the folds of the cloak. We had to be careful not to be recognised while we were here. I could tell Mordred was nervous so I took his hand and briefly pulled him into my side.
"Father says we'll be just fine brother. Just a quick in and out to collect some supplies we need. Then we'll be back in the forest and I promise I'll take you hunting with me." That caused him to smile. He always loved it when I let him join me. Most of the time I didn't let him as I was faster and quieter on my own as a wolf but I supposed he was getting better at it, though a human could never be as skilled as a wolf. Trailing behind our Father I tried not to get distracted by the different stalls honestly they weren't much interest but as I passed one I noticed a necklace not thinking I slipped it off the table and into the folds of my cloak, thankfully no one noticed as it was only by the time we got to the stall we came for that I realised how stupid it was to risk notice like that if I'd been caught.
"Do you have my supplies ready?" Father asked, "We must leave the city without delay" Reaching down behind the stall covered in different herbs and plants the bald man grabbed a bag, "Everything you asked for, it's all here" exchanging the bag for the money Father proceeded to check everything was there,
"I'm sorry," the Stallholder said. That's when Mordred tugged on my hand and I noticed the guards approaching, "Father" I looked up at him worried, squeezing Mordred's hand. "Under the table," he said, grabbing Mordred's other hand and pulling us along.
"Seize him! Stop there!" I heard the guards calling behind us but all I could focus on was running. We ran along behind the stalls Father called out for me to knock over a bunch of baskets in hopes of slowing the guards down. We made it out of the market but there was another group of guards patrolling and we were forced to run further towards the castle grounds. I had let go of Mordred's hand at some point and was running slightly behind them so I saw the guard coming at them seconds before he jumped out and slashed at Mordred. His telepathic scream echoed in my head causing me to lose focus and I didn't notice father using a spell to throw the guard into the rampart wall.
Mordred was struggling to run any farther with his injured arm so I helped pull him onto the drawbridge. We were stuck. Guards were coming at us and behind us led into the keep. Father used another spell causing the drawbridge gates to start closing before kneeling before me and Mordred, "Run! Take your brother and run Aspen. Run." I grabbed Mordred half carrying him as we stumbled through the gates and into the castle grounds. Just before the gates closed I looked back to see our father attempting to hold off the guards before being caught.

Sitting by a stone ledge hidden slightly behind some crates I ripped off a strip of my cloak, tying it around Mordred's injured arm. I could hear him calling for help telepathically but we were in Camelot, Magic had been outlawed for years, no one here would hear him. I had to come up with a plan to get out before the guards found us and then try rescue Father.
'Help me, please. You have to help us'
Looking around the square I noticed a boy around my age looking right at us.
"Search in there. Take the other side. You, did you see a girl and boy run in here" oh no the guards. Sneaking a look over the crates I saw them making their way around the square asking questions.
'They're searching for us'
'Why are they after you' that wasn't Mordred's voice. Spinning my head back around, I noticed the brown-haired boy still looking at us. Did he have magic?
'They're going to kill us' I sent hoping it would convince him to help even if I wasn't sure it was true. Uther was a tyrant and a monster but I wasn't sure if he'd kill children. The boy headed over to some side door while keeping an eye on the guards who seemed to be heading a different way before motioning us over to him, 'This way. Run. Run.' I still wasn't sure about trusting him but it was safer than staying out here. Grabbing Mordred's hand we ran across to the boy, Mordred holding his wounded arm.
"Hey. There they are! Alert the rest of the guard" I chanced a look back to see a guard chasing after us. Making it inside I followed the boy running up a set of stairs with a gryphon statue at the top before coming to an open corridor. I heard the guards behind us but it seemed like they'd gone a different way. Leading us up a narrower staircase the boy came to a door, pulling us into a room.
"Have you forgotten how to knock, Merlin?" came a woman's voice from behind us in the room. My cloak was still low over my face and I kept my head down holding Mordred slightly behind me so I couldn't see her completely. She was wearing a deep blue dress and there was someone next to her in yellow.
"The guards are after them. I didn't know what to do" gods was he an idiot, clearly this was someone high born they'd sell us out to their guard immediately. Pulling Mordred closer to me I took a few steps back towards the door trying to hold in a growl, when someone knocked, "My lady" it was the guard, "My lady". The next few seconds in which some stranger held mine and Mordred's life in their hands seemed to last forever. I only snapped out of it when Mordred sagged in my arms and I had to hold him up. "In there," she said, pointing to an area behind a curtain. The boy, Merlin she'd called him, helped me get Mordred behind the curtain before the Lady opened the door. I couldn't see what was happening but I listened to their conversation, still unsure whether she'd sell us out. "I'm sorry to disturb you, My Lady," came the voice of the guard, "We're searching for a young Druid boy and girl. We believe they came this way." Mordred collapsed in my arms unconscious and I lowered us to the floor stroking his head and praying he'd be alright. "I haven't seen anyone," she replied, and I let out a breath I had been holding, "it's just me and my maid"
"Best keep the door locked till we find them"
"Of course. Thank you" I heard her shut the door and Merlin let out a relieved breath but I was too focused on my brother. The scrap of cloth I had been holding against Mordred's wound had come loose and my hand was covered in his blood from applying pressure. I felt more than saw the two women kneel next to Merlin. I could sense they were exchanging worried glances but I was busy cradling Mordred against me humming a tune my mother had sung to me when I was little before she had died.

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⏰ Last updated: May 09, 2022 ⏰

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