pendant of slytherin part 2 by neednotknowthiername

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this story belongs to neednotknowthiername not me  this is the second part the first part is already posted

Rated: M - English - Adventure - Harry P. - Reviews: 1,872 - Updated: 04-13-10 - Published: 06-15-08 - Complete - id:4324404

Disclaimer: Anything recognisable belongs to J.K. Rowling.

. o O o . 38 . o O o .

Back In Black's House

The next day, Harry was still feeling elated after finally completing his animagus transformation and actually flying.

He set to the tasks Niall gave him with eagerness, and the outdoor work made him feel even better. There was something about the physical work that made him feel more alive, and he thought that he was going to miss it once he returned to Hogwarts, where Quidditch practice and the occasional walk down to the lake or to Hagrid's hut was the extent of his physical activity.

He had always been too skinny, but all the work and heavy lifting he had done since arriving at Kreeside had made him stronger and built some light muscle that made him look healthy.

If he wanted to keep it when he got back to Hogwarts, he was going to have to do more than Quidditch.

After dinner that night, Harry was drying the dishes after Aislinn washed them, while her parents watched the news.

The last dish was washed and Aislinn pulled the plug, the water gurgling noisily down the drain.

Harry yawned and stretched. "I think I might turn in early tonight. I'll see you in the morning. Say goodnight to your parents for me?"

Aislinn nodded, and then gave a shy smile.

"What?" asked Harry.

To Harry's immense surprise, Aislinn stood up on tip toe and pecked Harry on the cheek. She turned a brilliant red as Harry stared down at her, his eyebrows raised.

"Goodnight!" she squeaked, and fled from the kitchen.

Harry felt his shock wear away, and a satisfied grin spread across his face. He chuckled happily and left the house, whistling on his way back to the barn.

'Well to I recall how you begged me to spare the life of that mudblood. You were only too happy to watch her husband and child burn, but her... her you wished spared. And now you are protecting her son.'

Harry awoke, the words whispering like an echo in his mind. He continued to remember that night in his dreams, small snatches of the conversation that had taken place collecting in his mind, piecing themselves together and making him wonder.

Who had they been speaking about? Did it even matter? For some reason, the question nagged at Harry, and he just wished he could remember all of the conversation.


Aislinn avoided him the next day, and Harry thought she might be a bit embarrassed about kissing him. He wasn't sure if he found that amusing or disconcerting.

He had found that he didn't mind her kissing him at all, in fact, he rather hoped she wanted to do it again.

After lunch, he went upstairs and knocked on the door of her room.

"Hey," he said, when she opened the door.

"Harry! What are you doing up here?"

"I came to see you." He stepped into the room, looking around with interest. They usually spent time in the barn, or around the farm, but he had never been in any rooms of the house except for the kitchen and the living room.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Apr 04, 2011 ⏰

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