Back to black~Cate Blanchett Part one

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For this story the reader will be named Ebony Ball. Feel free to think of this name as your own or someone else's.

You,Ebony Ball wasn't a social type of person. You usually keep to yourself or just don't speak to anyone. People found you weird for this but this was just how you were,you wanted to change yourself plenty of times to fit in and make friends,but your mother taught you to be who you are and don't let anyone change who you want to be and who you are right now.

You was previously in a pretty serious relationship. It lasted for about two years,you was so happy but they had to cheat and that is why you don't trust anyone and why you haven't been in a relationship ever since. It's been three years since then,you wanted to love someone and for someone to love you but you was still hurt from your old relationship. You loved them you would of taken a bullet for them but they wouldn't do the same back to you,and that made you sad.

You was working at a cafe. You didn't want to work there because the customers were rude and if something happened in that cafe you would have gotten blamed. But you needed the money to feed yourself and to live with heat and a roof over your head. Even though you didn't have much to live for you appreciated the small things in life because you knew that there would be many people not having heat,food and a roof over their head. That was just how you was brought up.

Your boss treated you with a bit of respect he knew that you was hurt and he experienced that same feeling so he gets what your feeling. Even though he is kind of nice to you he still is as jerk.
He asked you to work longer tonight because someone had to go home to there family and you had to cover. Over everyone he could of  chose he chose you. Ugh just your luck.

The shift had been boring but it flew by with the work of your phone. You was just about to close the cafe and start packing your things ready to go home when a jingle sound was heard from a woman entering the cafe late at night.

"Hello we're closing now so could you wait till tomorrow,it opens at 8am." You shouted from the back.

"I just wanted a drink and a little something to eat. I haven't eaten all day I'm starving." The woman shouted back to you. You could of sworn you heard that voice before. The deep voice that contained with a Australian British American accent. But it couldn't be who you was thinking of because why would she come to a cafe this late and not be rude.

You just popped your head round the corner when you saw the most beautiful familiar face you have ever seen. You must of had your jaw dropped because she said "you can pick your jaw of the floor I'm only a person just like you sweetheart." You just panicked and and and omg she just called me sweetheart you thought to yourself before answering her with "yes sorry what can I get you?"

I know this isn't very long but I will add more whenever I can. This might seem boring right now but I will try and make it exciting.
Hope you all enjoyed it.


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⏰ Last updated: Dec 03, 2022 ⏰

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