mmmm monke

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Should I write a part 2 that may or may not be a lil' horny? Who knows!
You've never been more worried in your life. 

You were having a chill day all to yourself, finally landing a few days off from work, right? Sounds great! 

What you weren't expecting was to see some op kid trend literally everywhere, who so happens to look an awful lot like your rambunctious boyfriend, MK. 

So, to say you're stressed out might be a little bit of an understatement. 

You slam the door to Pigsy's shop open, probably looking like a madman. Now, here's what you thought was going to happen when you finally see your friends. 

You were gonna storm in confirm your suspicion, lecture and question the shit out of MK and end your day off by his side watching that silly Monkey King series he loves so much. 

Instead of that more preferable scenario, you're stunned while look at what seems to be MK but he's a, how do you say this, a monkey?? 

While your brain is trying to work their intellectual gears, MK and Mei simultaneously start explaining everything, from the part where MK stumbled upon Monkey King's staff all the way to when he 'beat' the Demon Bull King and saved the city as a result. 

You raise your hand, stopping them from speaking any further. You can only process so much at a time, after all. 

"So, let me get this straight. MK is the successor of the legendary Monkey King, who I was almost positive was a myth, and had to quote-unquote "beat DBK's sorry ass" in order to save the city from becoming dominated by the Demon Bull family. Did I miss anything?" 

You say to the now group of people surrounding the stool you sit on. Everyone agreeing in some shape or form, statements such as 'pretty much' and gestures like nodding. 

You breathe out a sigh, unsure how to feel. I mean, your boyfriend has a freaking tail for crying out! Speak of the devil, he approaches your spaced out figure and leans down to whisper in your ear. 

"Hey, if you need sometime to yourself we can go to my room. Everyone will understand." Gods, he never fails to somehow find a way to make you fall for him even more. 

You nod, wanting nothing more than to just be with MK, one-on-one right about now. MK walks to his friends, telling them about your plans and walks to the stairs leading to his room, gesturing for you to follow. You quickly wave to your friends and catch up with MK. 

You're not sure if he's aware of it, but the moment you were within arm's reach, his newfound tail loosely wrapped around your waist, pulling you into his room and to his bed. 

You gently push the clingy man off you. "MK, I love you more than life itself, but if you even try touching me while still in those sweaty ass clothes, I will bite you." He responds to your half empty threat with giggles. 

"Okay, okay, fine. Give me a minute, kay?" He says, stalking to his dresser, pulling out some pajamas and walks into his bathroom. 

You flop back into his mattress, eyes wide and unblinking. How is he so unaffected by his new monkey features? How does his tail comfortably fit with his pants? Are these new traits permanent, or is it something he can hide at will? 

So many questions fill your head at once, almost overwhelming you. 

Luckily for you, MK lays his head on your chest and wraps his arms around your waist, flushing his body tightly against yours. 

You sigh from the affection somehow calm despite your previous worries. Your hands run through the now down mess MK calls hair, practically by second nature. 

Now, while this whole thing is nothing new to you and MK's usual cuddle sessions, the tumble of purrs spilling off MK's tongue sure is. 

Your flushed reaction to his purrs makes your hand pause mid movement, making the sleepy man on top of you give out a whine. 

"MK? Are you making those sounds?" You whisper against the top of his head, not sure if he heard you. 

He adjusts his head now, resting his chin on your chest to look at you, confused at your question. "What sounds?" you lay there looking at the man as if he just grew two extra heads. 

"... the purring...?" you add. Was he not aware of the purrs he let out? "I was purring?" He questions, more to himself than you. 

"I'm pretty sure you were, but, hey! It's not all that surprising giving the fact your now part monkey.... I guess? Do monkeys purr?" You say to try to reassure MK that his new quirk is nothing to be embarrassed about.

MK, slightly flushed, goes back to burying his head into your chest, rubbing his nose and cheeks all over, but this time purring as he did so. 

You can't help but giggle when the ends of his hair tickle your neck, accidentally making you pull the strands of hair still in your grasp. 

MK gasps, halting his purrs and rubs. "MK?" You question, worried you may have hurt him. He stutters a puff of air on your neck before replying. 

"I'm okay, don't worry. Let's just take a nap. I'm exhausted." He spews out, 

pushing off of you just to pull your back against his front in a spooning position. 

You lean over your shoulder, giving a small peck to his lips before wishing him good night.

MK is monkey: CONFIRMED (MK/Qi Xiaotian x reader)Where stories live. Discover now