A lonely beginning

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It started out as a normal day. A normal breakfast, a normal walk to school, a normal homeroom. Everyday is like this; I guess you could say it's routine. But I like it like this, really.

I've never been much of a social butterfly, so I'm never busy talking to someone. According to my parents, I'm old fashion for my age. Not the way I dress or anything, but the way I am. I'm conservative, nice, and it takes a lot to get me mad.

I walked along the big courtyard of the school while everyone was eating lunch. I sat down on a hill of grass and opened a packet of Pop-tarts. S'more Pop-tarts to be exact.

After breaking one in half, I took a bite out of it and chewed slowly.

The wind came and the breeze blew small strands of my dark brown hair into my face. I always hated when that happened. I flipped my hair and the strands went back to their original position.

The piece in my mouth had disappeared down my throat, so I took another bite of my delicious Pop-tart.

I watched as groups of boys and girls joked and laughed, and I realized something: I'm boring.


I turned around and saw a short boy with unnatural brown and blond hair.

I pointed to myself and he laughed

Was he talking to me?

I looked behind me for students, but there wasn't anyone close.

"Yes, you. I'm talking to you," he came closer and sat down next to me.

"Uhh..." I scooted way from him, only for the boy to get closer again.

"Hi!" he greeted, bowing his head.

"Hi?" I replied, doing just as he did.

"I'm Bambam, what's your name?"

He was really loud and cute. His cheeks were full and they had a slight tint of pink.

"Uh..." I started to freak out. I've never really talked to people at school. Never. "My name is Yuni."

"Yuni?" He giggled. "What a cute name!"

And your name is Bambam.

I looked away and took a bite of Pop-tart.

"Woah! Is that your lunch?" he asked.

I turned to him and nodded.

His eyes went wide,"You don't get hungry later?"

I shook my head.


"Where's your lunch?" I asked quietly.

"I forgot my money this morning," he answered.

I looked down at my Pop-tart. I still had my uneaten one, so I took it out of the wrapper and put it out in front of him.

He shook his head,"No, it's your food."

"I wasn't going to eat it anyway. Take It."

He shrugged and grabbed it,"Thanks! I owe you."

"No, it's fine."

Bambam bit into it and looked around.

"How come I never see you around here?" he asked.

I shrugged,"I don't stand out."

"Oh," he stayed quiet for a while. "Are you always alone?"

I nodded.

"Hmm...maybe I should introduce you to some friends, I'm sure they'd be glad to meet you."

Before I could say anything, he stood up and made me stand up too.

"They're over there. This way," he led me to a big cherry blossom tree, where five boys were.

"Hey guys!" Bambam hooked his arm around the neck of a taller boy,"Hey Yugyeom."

"Hey Bambam," the boys said in unison.

Their attention moved to me and I got red.

"Oh," Bambam moved back toward me,"this is my friend Yuni. Say 'hi', Yuni."

"Hi," I greeted shyly.

They smiled at me and then finished discussing whatever they were talking about before we came.

I looked over their facial features. One of them had bluish, grayish hair. He was tall and nice-looking.

I focused on another. He was tall and slim. His hair was brown and his eyes a shade darker than his hair.

Overall, they were all pretty attractive.

"Where's Mark?" Bambam asked after a while. He looked around.


"What?! Why?"

The boys shrugged, but one answered. "He was late to class."

Bambam shook his head in disapproval. "He's always late."

"Can't blame him. With a dad like his, I'd be in the hospital."

My eyes widened. "Hospital?" I asked myself.

Eyes turned to me.

"Oh, sorry, kid," the boy with blue-gray hair said,"we forgot you were here."

"You're so quiet!" One said loudly. "It's...weird."

"Shut up, Jackson! The only reason it's weird is because you're too damn loud," another said.

"We probably sound weird," Bambam said. "You guys haven't introduced yourself yet."

"Oh! I'm JB," the boy with odd hair said.

"I'm Jackson," the loud one said.




"Nice to meet you all," I bowed.

"You too!" they said in unison.

"Yuni doesn't hang out with anyone. She's a loner," Bambam told them. "So she'll accompany us from now on."


"Sure! Why not?!" Jackson smiled at me.

"Uh...thanks, but I like being a loner."

"Aww~! C'mon, Yuni! You're my friend now!" Bambam made a puppy face,"Please~!"



Girls, girls, girls they love me~!
I've had that song stuck in my head all day, like OMG.
So, anyways, a new Got7 book...Woohoo!
Is there anyone pregnant at your school? Let me know!
Who's your bias in Got7? Mine is Mark (and Jackson, JB, Bambam, Youngjae, Yugyeom, and Jr.)
Comment and vote for more!

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